Comments from comicalcupcake

Showing 3 comments

comicalcupcake commented about NuWilshire currently an eyesore in Santa Monica on Apr 16, 2008 at 4:14 am

So sad! I hope the owner rots in… a hot Beverly Hills summer. If he wanted a jeans store, he shouldn’t have bought a movie theater!

comicalcupcake commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Apr 16, 2008 at 4:11 am

Buster’s Shoe Repair has relocated to Main Street. If you’re going from Pico it’s about five blocks in on the left (land side of street). Please give this long-standing shoe repair your business—they’ve always done a great job for me and have really struggled to stay in business despite the ouster.

I’m curious as to whether anyone (Nushboy?) has tried to write the owners at the address I listed. It’s not hopeless! Let them know you’ll get all your friends to boycott their stupid jeans store (and then follow through). If money talks, talk with your money!

I noticed that the interior doors (from concession area into screening area) are still inside. I don’t have the space for them right now, but I’m sure they’re going to get thrown away and they are really beautiful carved wood doors deserving of a good home. If you’re interested, talk to the construction crews while they’re at work and ask if they are going to throw away the doors and if you could take them instead. Worth a try!

comicalcupcake commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Jan 24, 2008 at 12:56 am

Jeffrey N. Grant and Joanne S. Grant (husband and wife) are the owners of record, holding the land as conservators of a trust. The property was put into a trust in 2001, before which Joanne S. Grant was the named owner. Interestingly, LaBrea/Washington Co., c/o Max Netty is listed as the owner of the adjacent property that was used as Buster’s Shoe Repair, having purchased it from multiple parties (including the Grants) in 2001. I’m not sure if that means that the two parcels have separate owners or if the company and trust are controlled by the same party.

At any rate, the listed mailing address for Jeff and Jo Grant is:
10569 Kinnard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024

The company’s listed mailing address, c/o Max Netty, is:
513 N Palm Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

This is all public record information that you can find at the county recorder’s office. Please use it wisely and do not do anything illegal!