Photos favorited by classictheaters

  • <p>As B.S. Moss Coliseum, circa 1920’s photo credit Wurts Brothers.</p>
  • <p>May 2006</p>
  • <p>1954 photo credit John Chuckman Collection.
              Re-release of “Gone With The Wind” at the United Artists.</p>
  • <p>Photo credit: William Nelson</p>
  • <p>The civilian workers in the NYPD’s Building Maintenance Section added a fresh coat of gold paint to decorations outside the World Changers Church on the Grand Concourse. (ESHA RAY/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)</p>
  • <p>Officer Miosotis Familia’s wake will be held at the World Changers Church, which was once the Loew’s Paradise Theater. (JAMES KEIVOM/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)</p>
  • <p>OPENED NOVEMBER 16,1960</p>
  • <p>Another 1930 exterior shot of the Minnesota Theatre.</p>
  • <p>On the Boardwalk with “The Blue Dahlia” (1946)</p>
  • <p>This was before Cinerama arrived and while movies and vaudeville were still playing there.</p>
  • <p>The balcony, as seen from the crumbling box seats.</p>
  • <p>September 2015</p>
  • <p>Drapes used to close off areas in the balcony area.</p>
  • <p>Drapes used to close off balcony area.</p>
  • <p>Lobby of the Capitol Theatre, New York in 1924</p>
  • <p>1945 photo courtesy of the Fifties Fun Facebook page.</p>
  • <p>Hand-tinted postcard of original auditorium</p>
  • <p>Closer view of entrance on Gable’s opening day (2/23/34)</p>