Comments from ClassicProjectionist

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ClassicProjectionist commented about Buena Vista Theatre on Jun 3, 2013 at 12:13 am


I never worked at the Buena Vista. I used to hang out in the booth when I was in Jr. high school and during my early high school years.

Proximity detectors were installed @ the B.V. w/Annie. New technology that was not very reliable. On one occasion the Projectionist was at the rewind bench during closing credits. Proximity detector failed and flashed tails which I caught. One angry Projectionist!

I was, for a time, involved with the Fox restoration and got to know the Osuna’s and Fred by meeting them at a Fox event. Fox restoration was a fiasco. They did not even consult with the professionals that set-up and ran that theater.

I do not know of any pictures of the BV interior. I wanted to gain access after its closing, but was unable to do so. I never went into it after it became that alternative entertainment venue.

As for B.V architecture. 2 projection booths at ground level separated by the snack bar. Auditorium walls were stone marble walls & curtained screens.

ClassicProjectionist commented about Buena Vista Theatre on Oct 7, 2012 at 8:10 pm

Hello IA, I hope you receive this message!

During the 1970’s and early 1980’s there was a young lad who spent a lot of time in the Buena Vista booths watching the Projectionist ply his trade. Not sure if you are that same Projectionist, but if you are, I hope all is well and would love to touch base with you.

Having spent time at the BV, it was not, and I repeat not a 70MM theater. XLs were installed. One screen was change-overs and the other platter equipped.

I remember when cue proximity detectors were installed with “Annie”. IA, do you remember what happened with those detectors…I was in the booth when something happened.

The El Dorado was 70MM!

IA, did you know Fred Zimmerman and Benny Osuna Sr and JR??