Comments from Classic1

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Classic1 commented about Loew's Majestic Theatre on Mar 8, 2017 at 1:08 pm

On the site of the later Loew’s Majestic Theatre, a mill was built in 1856. The mill belonged to Igleheart Brothers, who moved to 1600-14 N First Ave, formerly 2214 First Ave, in Evansville in 1904. Then the former mill was “converted into the ‘Little Bijou Theater’”. In 1909, the Little Bijou Theater was “razed for (a) newer theater”. “A new larger theater is erected (in 1909, remark of the author) and called the New Majestic.” Quotes and information taken from:

Classic1 commented about Loew's Majestic Theatre on Mar 8, 2017 at 11:59 am

Carl Laemmle once rented the Majestic Theatre in Evansville, Indiana, “during the summer months” in 1908 “when it was closed as a vaudeville house (sic!).” Laemmle wanted to “bring talking pictures” to the American market and used a new machine called the Synchroscope from the German Inventor Jules Greenbaum at the Majestic in Summer 1908. It must have worked, because an old employee later wrote to Laemmle that “they played to packed houses all summer…” (John Drinkwater, The Life and Adventures of Carl Laemmle, p. 157-158)