Comments from chrisstacey

Showing 4 comments

chrisstacey commented about Lawn Cinema on Apr 22, 2015 at 3:49 pm

Dear roymeboy Love your light if you want to sell it please contact me at chrisstacey@bt

chrisstacey commented about Lawn Cinema on Feb 29, 2012 at 6:58 pm

Thought you might like this advert to go with your photo of the Lawn cinema. Found this in the Wigston archives of the opening day of the Lawn cinema in the Leicester Mercury on the 5th October 1936. Your photo is also interesting that my father must have built the garage as well because they both match. Kind regards Chris Stacey

chrisstacey commented about Lawn Cinema on Aug 27, 2011 at 8:47 am

I have recently found out that my father built lots of houses in Wigston as well, Kingston Avenue and others in 1937. I think the Lawn cinema was built in 1936 not 1937 as I originally said. One of the hall marks of my fathers properties are man hole lids with Stacey builder Birstall cast on the top, has anyone out there got one they may wish to sell. My email is .

Chris Stacey

chrisstacey commented about Lawn Cinema on Dec 19, 2010 at 11:40 am

The Lawn cinema Leicester was built by my late fathers company JCW Stacey builders Ltd. He also built the constitutional club which is right opposite and still survies but regretably not the cinema which is now a supermarket, these were built about 1937 which is when my fathers business came to an end for some reason unknown to me. He also built lots of houses in Birstall. There is an advert still remaining on the side of 221 Loughborough road a little bit faded. If anyone has any photos or information please drop me a email at

