Comments from ChrisJNJ

Showing 3 comments

ChrisJNJ commented about Embassy Theatre on May 1, 2018 at 6:28 am

Just read Lea Rae’s comments regarding an Ed Sullivan commemoration back in 2009. Unfortunately, Port Chester had a LOOONG list / history of corrupt politicians. Not sure about the other “trustees” named in the column but Dom Cicatelli was definitely one of them. This year, 2018, would the year to make the attempt to save what’s left of the theatre. Everyone who lives or knows PC has seen all the renovation projects, both completed and in progress. The Capital Theatre is thriving. Now would be the time.

ChrisJNJ commented about Embassy Theatre on May 1, 2018 at 6:14 am

Scott, I know this is a real long shot, but since the Theatre has belonged to your family from the start, are there any records that contain info of employees who worked there? My grandfather came from a family of musicians from Boston MA and was a former member of the Boston Pops. A casualty of the depression, he travelled around local Westchester/Fairfield movie theatres playing the piano during the showing of silent movies. My grandmother worked for the old Lifesavers company on Main Street. They met on a local train, fell in love..and the rest is history. From Silent movies to Infinity Wars…amazing changes since 1926…but very sad to see historic places like the Embassy vacant and decaying. When I was in High School, Main Street Port Chester was not considered a “safe” neighborhood so I did not see many movies there. But I do remember walking downtown with my friends to see Dawn of the Dead.

ChrisJNJ commented about Cameo Theater on Dec 28, 2013 at 8:22 am

I have been researching potential grants from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. This building can be saved. The question is, are there enough interested parties in joining an effort to restore this building. I do not know the gentleman who owns the building or what his intentions are. But the building is useless as his. Can anyone share the exact history of the transaction? He purchased the building for 195K then was granted 100K and did nothing with it? Please share.