Comments from cclayton

Showing 3 comments

cclayton commented about Carolina Theatre on Oct 22, 2007 at 8:29 pm

Go to our new website: The facade will be the original facade put back together that is now being stored in the theatre.

cclayton commented about Carolina Theatre on Dec 5, 2004 at 2:23 pm

If you want to see inside of the theatre, send me an e-mail at .com Our non-profit’s sole purpose is to save and restore this theatre. If you are not already a member, you need to join with us to make this happen. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!!!

cclayton commented about Carolina Theatre on Aug 31, 2004 at 3:07 pm

Please note the organization that did the fundraiser is the Carolina Theatre Preservation Society.(501 c3 non-profit) We operate the web site mentioned above and we would like to hear from all the people who been posting comments on this page. Its important we work together to get the Carolina Theatre back to its orginal grandeaur.Contact Charlie Clayton at .com if you want to see this happen. We are getting much closer than you might think to making this happen. We need your help!!!!