Comments from CatherineGentz

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CatherineGentz commented about Holiday Star Theater on Mar 6, 2007 at 11:44 pm

Finding this web site last evening truly came as a surprise when I did a google search last night in response to a question that my childhood friend, Lauri Young, posed to me regarding the Park Forest Holiday Theater. My dad, Robert ‘Bob’ Parker had co-managed the Holiday Theater for a number of years when we were children and Lauri and I have so many memories of that movie theater, where we spent so many Saturday afternoons at the matinees. Do you all remember the magicians who would perform on the stage in front of the curtain before the start of the weekend matinees, or the man who would thrill us with his outstanding performances with his Yo-Yo, doing tricks which we could never replicate?

My father at the age of 83, though his health has been failing him this past year, continues to hold dear to his heart the town where he and my mum, prior to her death in 1996, made their home for 50 years.

Catherine Gentz
Cathy Parker