Comments from Carolg

Showing 3 comments

Carolg commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jul 16, 2005 at 9:52 am

Hi lostmemory
Where didn’t I live in Ridgewood. My parents moved around a lot! When I was small I remember we lived on Harman Street and Woodward. I remember playing in that big empty lot across the street from Grover Cleveland. They used to have carnivals there every so often with lots of rides and candies. Later on we lived at 555 Onderdonk Avenue, and then later still at Fairview and Grove.
I recently asked my mother if she remembered the exact addresses of where we used to live, but unfortunately she didn’t. I just know that Ridgewood, growing up, seemed like a perfect little community. Everyone knew everyone else and we kids felt safe going out and playing stoop ball or hopscotch, or riding our bikes in the streets (something you don’t see any more these days).

Carolg commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jul 16, 2005 at 9:51 am

Hi lostmemory
Where didn’t I live in Ridgewood. My parents moved around a lot! When I was small I remember we lived on Harman Street and Woodward. I remember playing in that big empty lot across the street from Grover Cleveland. They used to have carnivals there every so often with lots of rides and candies. Later on we lived at 555 Onderdonk Avenue, and then later still at Fairview and Grove.
I recently asked my mother if she remembered the exact addresses of where we used to live, but unfortunately she didn’t. I just know that Ridgewood, growing up, seemed like a perfect little community. Everyone knew everyone else and we kids felt safe going out and playing stoop ball or hopscotch, or riding our bikes in the streets (something you don’t see any more these days).

Carolg commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jul 14, 2005 at 2:40 pm

Hi all
How this website brings back memories. I grew up in Ridgewood during the 1950’s and 1960’s and remember the old Ridgewood, Parthernon and Madison Theaters. I remember the really BIG candy bars you could get at the Parthernon. Does anyone remember an old dance hall on the corner of Wykoff and Menahan? It was right around the corner from my grandparents apartment and my parents and aunts and uncles (with me in tow) would go there practically every Friday night.
Remember the old knitting mills on almost every corner? Or the old candy stores?
How I miss Ridgewood! I last lived there in the 1980’s. I live now in N.O. but really,really miss New York. I’m hoping to move back next year and right now I’m checking out neighborhoods, including Ridgewood. I’m sure it’s changed a lot and is no longer the way I remember it, but reading the posts on this board brings back a lot of fond memories.
Anyone here an alumni of Grover Cleveland H.S. Does anyone remember the old kids' wading pool in Grover Cleveland Park?