Comments from CampbellCritter

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CampbellCritter commented about Proctor's Theatre on Jun 18, 2004 at 9:28 am

I have also lived in troy my entire 34 years, and I also saw King Kong in Proctor’s Theater. The one thing that stands out in my head is the red velvet seats, this is really all I can remember of the interior of the building besides the balconies which I believe were closed when I was there. I feel it is a crime to let this beautiful building crumble into disrepair. I am a union painter (I. U. P. A. T.) and worked on the Palace Theater Project in Albany which seems to have been a great success. I would be willing to even donate my time to help revitalize this beautiful piece of architecture. Our union has an Apprenticeship Program, and they offer their services to nonprofit organizations, possibly we could work out some kind of arrangement with all the construction trades and their apprenticeship programs and have much of the work done (labor) at no cost, I know this will probably be difficult to accomplish but my brother & I would be willing to work very hard to make this happen. Somebody has got to do something! Mr. Mayor (Tutunjian) if you really want Troy to be a better place then you really need to take this seriously, because over the course of my lifetime here many of the things which made Troy such a Great City! are gone, the only thing left are the people who make this city so great but why should they stay if there is nothing left but ruins! I just feel it is a great sin to let the last Movie Palace of Troy crumble!