Well so much for that then. Its sad to know its gone like so many others have gone, to be replaced by grocery stores and walmarts. There is an old theatre here in downtown Crown Point that looks like it was built in the 30`s, I have plans on going there one day hopefully and talking to the projectionist and seeing if he will let me video him starting up a movie. If I do I will post a message on here and a link to youtube so everyone can see it. This is a walk in, not a drive in.
There are no more drive-ins left in Chattanooga. The only one left in the area that I know of is in Dunlap, across Signal Mountain. Last time I was there they were doing a pretty decent job of keeping the old memories alive and they got a pretty good business with regulars coming from all around. They still had the hot dogs and hamburgers, but no pizza dang it..lol. But that was over 5 years since I have been there, and I have been in Indiana since then, so it may well be gone too.
Hi all, my dad worked with Martin Theaters for a good part of his life as did my grandfather. Their names are Bill Vick Sr. and Leo Vick. Any one know them. My dad worked in his later years at Broad St. Drive-In, 23rd St. Drive-In, Marbro Drive-In and Red Bank Drive-In. Red Bank was only a short time. I helped him out a lot on the weekends changing out ripped off speakers at Broad. St and 23rd st. Drive-In. I sure miss those days. If any one out there remembers my dad or my grandfather, please email me at spanky777_1999@yahoo.com I am living in Crown Point, Indiana now, where John Dillinger broke out of the Crown Point jail with a gun carved out of soap.
Hello, my dad, Bill Vick Sr. was the projectionist there until the theater closed in 1981. He and I was the ones that went there after it closed and helped box up the reels and pack up the rewind motor and other related items. I wound up with the Orange Crush clock that was in the concession stand, I actually sold it on Ebay a few years ago, and now regret letting it go, if nothing else but the memory I had of being there with my dad. I remember well going there on the weekend with my friends and parking by the projection booth door and my dad coming out every so often and checking on us, plus hed bring us refills and huge bags of popcorn. My dad used to let me help switch over the projector when the cue would come up on the screen, for those that dont know, a little black dot appears at the upper right hand corner of the screen just for a brief second, and that means you have about a minute before the film runs out, you have to be ready and just the right instand to have the other projector ready to go. And back then it was the carbon rod that was brighter than the sun that provided the light to project it onto the screen. I remember the little metal bucket at the base of the projector where he`d toss the little short rods when they burned down. Wow where did the time go. My dad passed away in 1997. Thank God for the memories we had together.
Yes I think that is the name of it. I
ll be driving downtown maybe today or tomorrow so I
ll check it out and see for sure.Well so much for that then. Its sad to know its gone like so many others have gone, to be replaced by grocery stores and walmarts. There is an old theatre here in downtown Crown Point that looks like it was built in the 30`s, I have plans on going there one day hopefully and talking to the projectionist and seeing if he will let me video him starting up a movie. If I do I will post a message on here and a link to youtube so everyone can see it. This is a walk in, not a drive in.
There are no more drive-ins left in Chattanooga. The only one left in the area that I know of is in Dunlap, across Signal Mountain. Last time I was there they were doing a pretty decent job of keeping the old memories alive and they got a pretty good business with regulars coming from all around. They still had the hot dogs and hamburgers, but no pizza dang it..lol. But that was over 5 years since I have been there, and I have been in Indiana since then, so it may well be gone too.
Hi all, my dad worked with Martin Theaters for a good part of his life as did my grandfather. Their names are Bill Vick Sr. and Leo Vick. Any one know them. My dad worked in his later years at Broad St. Drive-In, 23rd St. Drive-In, Marbro Drive-In and Red Bank Drive-In. Red Bank was only a short time. I helped him out a lot on the weekends changing out ripped off speakers at Broad. St and 23rd st. Drive-In. I sure miss those days. If any one out there remembers my dad or my grandfather, please email me at spanky777_1999@yahoo.com I am living in Crown Point, Indiana now, where John Dillinger broke out of the Crown Point jail with a gun carved out of soap.
Hello, my dad, Bill Vick Sr. was the projectionist there until the theater closed in 1981. He and I was the ones that went there after it closed and helped box up the reels and pack up the rewind motor and other related items. I wound up with the Orange Crush clock that was in the concession stand, I actually sold it on Ebay a few years ago, and now regret letting it go, if nothing else but the memory I had of being there with my dad. I remember well going there on the weekend with my friends and parking by the projection booth door and my dad coming out every so often and checking on us, plus he
d bring us refills and huge bags of popcorn. My dad used to let me help switch over the projector when the cue would come up on the screen, for those that don
t know, a little black dot appears at the upper right hand corner of the screen just for a brief second, and that means you have about a minute before the film runs out, you have to be ready and just the right instand to have the other projector ready to go. And back then it was the carbon rod that was brighter than the sun that provided the light to project it onto the screen. I remember the little metal bucket at the base of the projector where he`d toss the little short rods when they burned down. Wow where did the time go. My dad passed away in 1997. Thank God for the memories we had together.