Comments from bperkins

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bperkins commented about Milford Drive-In on Jul 31, 2008 at 3:03 pm

Sorry you had a bad experience. Their website explains their policy.

Admission (Revised 3/1/06)
Our Admission Price is $20.00 per car for one to six occupants (we don’t count children under 2 years of age). Additional Occupants (7 or more) are an additional $5.00 each. Your purchased ticket allows you to watch one or both movies playing on the same screen. You may not watch one movie on one screen and then watch the 2nd movie playing on the other screen.

When you purchase a ticket, the ticket person asks you what screen. They then issue you a colored, numbered ticket for that screen. Switching screens is absolutely not allowed. Doing so constitutes Theft of Services, for which you could be arrested. At the very least, if we catch you switching (and we do), you will be asked to pay for a second ticket or leave the Drive-In immediately.

The Drive-In signs legal contracts with the film distributors to run their films, for which the film companies are paid a percentage based on the number of tickets sold (for that screen). We are routinely audited by the distributors. They actually send people out to count the cars. If we allow switching screens, we are also subject to penalties. Please don’t embarrass yourself, your family and us by switching.

So that we are on the same wave-length about this, here is the inside scoop. Throughout the 2005 season, this rule has been becoming more and more of a problem. We have been audited nearly every weekend and the problem with screen switchers is showing up constantly. Earlier this season we were giving people that we catch the opportunity to return to their original parking spots. As of 8/19/05, this is no longer an option. Our previous “lack of enforcement” sends a mixed message, that it’s OK to steal, and if we catch you, it’s no big deal. From now on, it’s going to be a BIG DEAL! You’ll either have to pay up or you’ll be going home early. If we catch you twice, then we will pursue a more drastic approach.

The Milford Drive-In Theater has been showing you First Run movies for more than 30 years, and we are not going to lose that privilege because of a few people who want to break the rules and steal from the film producers. You can’t do it at the Indoor Theaters and you aren’t going to do it here.