Comments from bluejaywichita1

Showing 3 comments

bluejaywichita1 commented about Mall Cinema on Feb 8, 2017 at 12:59 am

This was THE Star Wars theater in the 80’s. The original played there for over a year. I saw the 3rd showing of the Empire Strikes Back there on May 21 1980. I was there for the first midnight showing of Return of the Jedi in 1983. I do not remember an expansion of the theater itself, though it is possible the original (I think) 800 seat theater may have been divided. That was the trend at the time toward shoebox theaters. When this Malls anchor (Montgomery Wards) closed in 2000, the mall essentially died and has since been refaced. There is no trace of this theater anymore.

bluejaywichita1 commented about Meadow Lark Drive-In on Feb 7, 2017 at 11:52 pm

I only remember this one by name. If my parents ever took me there, I don’t remember. I do know it must have been gone by the early 70’s as this is now the location of a golf course, housing development and the former Harry Street Mall, all of which I remember from my childhood.

bluejaywichita1 commented about K 42 Drive-In on Feb 7, 2017 at 11:27 pm

More posts are needed. I can’t help with the location. As far I know, I was only there once. 400 cars does not seem right. It seemed quite small, maybe 100 cars tops. I saw a Star Trek movie there. I believe it was Star Trek 2, which dates to 1981. But by this time, this drive in was one of the last in town aned was showing second run movies. Someone with more knowledge as to the location could help but I believe as with so many former drive ins, the location has been built on and so is not recognizable.