Comments from bjvanslyke

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bjvanslyke commented about Del Oro Theatre on Feb 26, 2004 at 7:17 am

I saw the banner waving at Del Oro announcing that the theater has been purchased by a local person(s). I refused to attend there when it was under whats it’s name. They turned down the power for the matinees in order to save energy. When I complained they lied to me and said that that was the way the film came to them. I complained more than once on separate occasions and got a different answer each time.

I’m not stupid; I know there are several things a projectionist can do to lighten the projected images on the screen. Sometimes the power was turned so low that one could not even see the faces of the actors.

What a ripoff! I once asked for a refund and got it. But it was disappointing not to see a film that I wanted to see, since the same flick does not play in more than one theater in the county. I attend movies that are works of art, not the commercial blockbusters, so I don’t go often. When I do I expect my money’s worth.

Their ticket prices were higher than other theaters in Nevada County, too.

New owners take note, please. Most people who attend matinees are elders who find driving at night difficult if not impossible. Be good to us. We have earned it; we have paid our dues; we deserve better treatment.

I wish you well in your venture, and God bless you.

Betty Van Slyke