Comments from BillFitz

Showing 2 comments

BillFitz commented about Ritz Theatre on Nov 29, 2006 at 5:51 am

A Deep Purple bootleg album was recorded at the Ritz, which the album cover calls the Riz.

BillFitz commented about Ritz Theatre on Nov 22, 2006 at 1:33 pm

Some Ritz concert dates for somoman…

Date Band(s)
2/13/1970 Mountain
10/31/1970 MC5/Stooges
1/25/1971 Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
7/3/1971 Mountain
8/14/1971 Black Sabbath/Sweathog
11/26/1971 Allman Brothers
11/27/1971 The Kinks/Yes
12/6/1971 Humble Pie/King Crimson
2/14/1972 King Crimson
2/25/1972 Yes/Sweathog
3/17/1972 Badfinger
3/28/1972 Deep Purple
3/29/1972 Deep Purple
6/24/1972 Badfinger
7/29/1972 Uriah Heep
8/15/1972 The Doors
10/xx/1971 Captain Beefheart & his Magic Band
4/xx/1972 Alice Cooper