Comments from bill_kaser2

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bill_kaser2 commented about Duncan Theater on May 30, 2012 at 5:26 pm

Because of this little movie house, I eventually became a professor of film history in California. Growing up in Killbuck in the fifties, I found this theatre was my window on the world, and I can never forget the excitement when those color tinted wall lights began to dim and Hollywood took over. (My Grandma Vera was for a time the ticket taker so I was allowed to sneak on occasion.)I remember the matinee westerns and cliffhangers and Three Stooges shorts as being just as exciting for us kids as the great classic films that came to the village of Killbuck, thanks to the efforts of the rather eccentric owner “Billy D.” I remember the give-away raffle nights with dish sets and painted glasses going to lucky ticket holders—and once the grand prize was a bronze horse with a clock in its belly! I can still hear the crackle and recall the smell of the old popcorn machine in the lobby. Today, when I visit film studios and legendary movie houses,I recall the old Duncan Theatre and the friends I watched movies with there. It would be a shame and a loss to community memory if the Old Duncan were ever torn down. Bill (Paul)Kaser Bill (Paul) Kaser