Comments from Bigjess

Showing 3 comments

Bigjess commented about Lobby on Jan 28, 2014 at 10:13 am

Hmmmm that’s an old pic. I don’t think I was born lol. But I know when I was was young. The popcorn machine was there. Unless they sold it. The cigarette machine was not there. It was like a counter. Where they put ketchup, jalapeƱo and salsa for the hot dogs. The clock was not there.

Bigjess commented about Capri Theater on Jan 28, 2014 at 10:09 am

Man I’m surprise it’s still there. I have so many memories.

Bigjess commented about Capri Theater on Jan 28, 2014 at 10:08 am

Man, it’s been so long. My grandfather owned that. His name was Jesus Horta. God I have so many memories .. Don’t know where to start? I know that place is haunted lol. I used to help my grandfather run the movies. While my grandma and auntie Juanita and aunt Sylvia helped them run it. Lol. I miss it there… I don’t know if they still own it?