Comments from bigbobh

Showing 4 comments

bigbobh commented about Garden Cinemas on Jan 18, 2017 at 3:03 pm

I recall many visits to the Garden back in my teenage years of the 1950s. Greenfield had 3 theaters at the time, The Garden, The Lawler and the Victoria. I shall never forget the night in 1958 I took my girlfriend to the movies at the Garden and when we came out the fire department had left a note on my windshield for me to contact them. Apparently the wiring on my old 48 Pontiac had caught fire while we were in the theater and burned up all the wiring in my car.

bigbobh commented about Towne Theatre on Mar 17, 2015 at 11:01 pm

The Towne and The Crest were my two favorite theaters in the early 1960s. Saw many a movie in both of these great old theaters so sad they are gone.

bigbobh commented about Showplace Theatre on Oct 4, 2014 at 3:48 am

Jeannettes – Do you know if Louis Rosenzweig sold it to a family named Brown. Seems I remember in high school in late 50s it was owned by someone named brown

bigbobh commented about Showplace Theatre on Oct 21, 2012 at 11:55 pm

I recall as a teenager in the mid 1950’s attending stage shows at the Victoria theater. Saw an R&R show there with the r&b group “The Cadillacs” . Also saw the great bluegrass performer Bill Monroe there. Spent many enjoyable nights attending movies and various stage shows during my teenage years in the 50’s