Comments from Belal

Showing 2 comments

Belal commented about Adams Theatre on Aug 2, 2007 at 5:35 pm

They aren’t ripping it away. They are just cleaning it up because the previous owner of the building let it rot away. They are actually trying to salvage what is left of it but some stuff is considered to be antiques and they currently don’t have any use for it, so instead of throwing it away they would rather sell it to someone that would have use for it and appricaite this kind of neat stuff.

Belal commented about Adams Theatre on Aug 2, 2007 at 4:26 pm

I am the Property Manager for the Adams Theater in Newark and I understand that the owner is selling some great antiques that still exist in the theater. If anyone is interested feel free to contact me. I would hate to see some of this really neat stuff thrown to waste or have someone that doesnâ€\t really understand the value behind some of this stuff get their hands on it. Feel free to e-mail me at or write back.