Comments from ball_jeffrey

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ball_jeffrey commented about UA Horton Plaza 8 on Mar 30, 2023 at 7:52 pm

I worked with Paul Belshe at the UA 6 Chula Vista. We both moved over to Horton Plaza when it was opened.

It was a great place to work. We regularly got good bookings. The management and staff were great!

I loved working in the Horton Plaza mall. I left in September 1989, when I transferred to the UA Granada Hills.

I wasn’t there when they opened the extra theaters, later. Sadly, like all things United Artists, the theater is long gone.

ball_jeffrey commented about UA Warner Center on Mar 30, 2023 at 7:48 pm

I worked at the UA Warner Center in 1991-1992. It was at that time that I was training and managing a few of the projection staffs for UA.

Marc Derdon (sp) was the manager. He was a good guy. Lots of great staff there. It was a great place to work at the time.

I remember the folks at El Toritos giving us free food for movie passes. Although frowned upon by corporate, such trades were common place.

It’s a storage facility now! Much of what was in that area is long gone.

ball_jeffrey commented about UA Westwood on Mar 30, 2023 at 7:45 pm

I worked as a projectionist at the UA Coronet from Spring 1991-Summer 1994, when I was hired away by SDDS at Sony Pictures.

We did a lot of radio screenings and premieres there. I have fond memories of that time and the staff there.

The theater was briefly closed and remodeled in late 1992 (I think) until it was reopened in July of 1993. The four theaters were reconfigured to three.

Sadly, like many of the Westwood theaters, it’s long gone.

ball_jeffrey commented about UA Granada Hills 7 on Mar 30, 2023 at 7:41 pm

I worked at the UA Granada Hills as a projectionist from Fall 1989 to Spring 1991, when I transferred to the UA Coronet. At that point I was regularly running screenings and training/managing projection staffs at a few of the UA theaters. Granada Hills was a decent theater. I liked the management and staff. I have fond memories of my time there.

ball_jeffrey commented about UA 6 Movies on Mar 30, 2023 at 7:38 pm

My first job was at the UA6 in Chula Vista. I worked in concession briefly and then I was trained as a projectionist. I later left to work with Paul Belshe (manager) when the UA Horton Plaza opened. Lots of fond memories.

As for the Amadeus questions, we got it second run. We had it in 70MM for a bit. But unfortunately it didn’t last long. One of the other projectionist didn’t secure the suction cups on the platter system. The film unwound and tangled on the platter system.

I came into work that night to pick up my check. Belshe took me upstairs to see what had happened and asked me to build the 35MM backup print. He had me take photos to send in to the DM. I still have those somewhere.

We did try to get a a replacement reel to keep running Amadeus in 70MM. When Orion was contacted, they had not known that we even had a 70MM print! No replacement reels were dispatched and Amadeus finished it’s run in 35MM.

UA6 CV didn’t get the best of bookings. Mann Plaza Bonita and Pacific Sweetwater seemed to get the better bookings. But yes, it was a fun first job.

I continued to work for UA for many years. In 1994, I was stolen away by SDDS at Sony Pictures. It was a great graduation to the bigger side of the industry. The money at Sony was great! It was a fantastic job… until the layoffs.