Comments from AutoMatters

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AutoMatters commented about Palace Theatre, Calgary, Canada on Jan 27, 2023 at 11:56 am

I see that it has been a long time since anyone has posted here. I hope others read this and comment. Having grown up in Calgary from the 1950s through the late 1970s, I remember going to the beautiful Palace Theater from an early age. Other Calgary movie theaters that I vaguely remember from that same period were the Capitol Theater, the Grand Theater, the Cinema Park Drive-in Theater (with a train running under the screen!), and the Tivoli and Isis neighborhood theaters. Of those, I remember the Capitol Theater being the most spectacular. I remember that it had a large, wide, carpeted, ornate indoor entrance that led up a long, inclined ramp to the entrance of the theater’s auditorium, and that once inside, it looked similar to the Palace Theater. Overall, I remember the Capitol Theater being more grand than the Palace Theater, because of that regal entrance. As I recall, the Capitol Theater was across the street from the Palace Theater, and about a block or two to the west. I sure wish that I had taken photos of these old theaters, which had so much character, but back then everyone shot film, not digital. I was a kid, and every print cost money that I did not have a lot of. Nowadays, well into in the age of digital photography, I think nothing of shooting lots of photos of just about anything that even remotely interests me.