Comments from Astratrayboy

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Astratrayboy commented about Astra Theatre on May 24, 2013 at 5:27 pm

I worked at the Astra as a “trayboy” for about 2 years in the early 60’s. The Astra was one of only 2 cinemas in Sydney to have the “TODD-AO” projection system with the massive curved screen & 6 track stereophonic sound.

We screened “Cleopatra” after it’s “roadshow” run at the Mayfair theatre in Castlereagh street in the city. We had reserved seating & phone reservations (how things have changed) & the film ran for several months.

I remember how exciting it was to hear the overture played with the beautiful gold cutrains still closed & then they opened to show that massive screen. Such wonderful memories for a teenager in those days.