Comments from asegreti

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asegreti commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 18, 2007 at 12:08 pm

okay, i checked and posted…it looks like the same fountain, however the figure is gone and there appears to be some chips…other than that it looks like it’s in pretty good condition.

asegreti commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 18, 2007 at 11:51 am

if i remember corrently, the fountain in the photo from ed’s 12/14 post is still there…but not in the same condition…i will check my photos.

also – regarding nativeforesthiller’s media recommendations – i’m not the greatest at writing that sort of stuff, but if someone wants to do it, i will gladly let you use the photos.

asegreti commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 16, 2007 at 2:22 pm

so sorry…i think my photo labeled “foyer detail” is actually somewhere in the lobby…in any case, it is right before you enter the main auditorium. they have a lot of the front areas blocked off and there were some offices set up…didn’t look like much work goes on in them though.

davebazooka- actually, i happened to have my camera on me and ran into someone from a neighboring business. we talked for a bit and next thing you know, i was inside taking pictures…i’m sure who he talked to…but he obviously knows someone. i wasn’t allowed much time and never expected to even be in there…

asegreti commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 16, 2007 at 1:26 pm

i posted a few more photos…here is the link again:
View link

as for getting in, for those of you who are curious – let’s just say, it was my lucky day. i didn’t go to flushing specifically for taking photos of the theater…but i happened to run into the right person.

asegreti commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 16, 2007 at 10:24 am

tom s. – i didn’t notice that, it could have been filled in…but i’m not sure, because it was extremely dark in there.

as for the paster…i think water damage, the old developer, and vandals played a part in that…

as for the storefront still being opened, i don’t think so…it wasn’t when i was there…and i told there is security there 24/7.

  • photo update – i managed to take 100 or so photos, but since it was so dark i have been trying to correct some of the exposures…i will hopefully have a couple more posted later tonight.
asegreti commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 15, 2007 at 8:59 pm

as far as i could tell, no holes in the floor…holes in the ceiling, yes… as for the walls…lots crumbling and lots plaster.

i hated to see it in this state…but i do think whats left is salvagable…

asegreti commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 15, 2007 at 8:13 pm

actually, the photos that are currently posted on flickr are of the auditorium…there isn’t much left, all of the seats have been torn out, the floor appeared to be concrete…it was basically a big, dusty, empty room…very sad. i also have a few from the upper levels…at this point i am not sure how many turned out though, because it was so dark.

i will try my best to get more photos posted ASAP, and i will keep you posted!

asegreti commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 15, 2007 at 4:31 pm

what happened to this place is so sad…i managed to get some photographs of the current state of the inside of the theatre…it was the first time i was able to do this anywhere like this…if you are interested in taking a look: View link

more photos will be posted there in the coming weeks…