Comments from Artie

Showing 6 comments

Artie commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Nov 2, 2006 at 8:47 am

Perhaps using a pseudonym has degraded the ability to think for many of you folks. The off-topic bilge by the new leader “mikemovies” and his cohorts is an abomination. Infantile ravings should be taken to Allow this website to be used by true theatre historians.

Artie commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 26, 2006 at 9:18 am

You people remind me of Brownies at a bake sale. This theatre is a flea pit and serves no useful purpose. Your time would be better spent saving the Loew’s Kings.

Artie commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 12, 2006 at 7:41 am

More childish jibberish. It seems to me that some standards should be set for what actually constitutes a legitimate theatre related comment. The mind boggles at the lack of intelligence permitted to exist here.

Artie commented about Grandview Theater on Aug 31, 2006 at 5:41 am

Important information is buried between tons of infantile drivel by OT troublemakers. Why don’t you people go to

Artie commented about Arion Theatre on Aug 30, 2006 at 9:07 am

Niederstein’s is a restaurant. This webpage concerns the Arion Theatre. BrooklynJim could use a refresher course in remedial reading. This drivel is enough to cause a true theatre historian to cringe.

Artie commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Aug 29, 2006 at 4:50 am

As an outsider reading this thread for the first time I find the comments both fascinating; informative and disturbing. People bickering over offtopic comments yet the same people write offtopic comments. What a dichotomy to someone new to this website. Of what relevance would summarizing the number of titles by year from 1888 to 2005 be to Ridgewood theatre history? Of what relevance does the WTC movie add to this thread if it is not being shown at the Ridgewood theatre? Yet those commentors chided others for offtopic comments. The true debate here is how far offtopic people are allowed to stray before flame wars erupt. simma down people. Let he without sin cast the first stone.