Comments from alwalks

Showing 2 comments

alwalks commented about Capitol Center for the Arts on Sep 18, 2013 at 11:36 pm

This was the “date” place during my high school years in the early 60’s. I remembr going to see Ivanhoe (with a young Liz Taylor). The place was pretty basic, but the movies were fun and the concessions were even more basic. There were no soft drinks available from the staff. They only came from a coin operated dispenser in small cups.

Later in the 70’s they would host the Gile concerts (free). I also remember going to see Warren Miller ski documentaries. Remember, NH had a lot of skiing then and more now. Some of the early Gile concerts included Mitch Miller, and also vatious military bands.

alwalks commented about Concord Theatre on Sep 18, 2013 at 11:27 pm

During the late 50’s the movie “The 10 Commandments” was making the rounds. The Concord Theater had the entire south wall of their building plastered with a color billboard of the show showing Charlton Heston holding up the Ten Commandments stones. This show was far outlasted by the eventually peeling paper from the billboard. As a side note. Maurice Cantin became my school bus driver in East Concord and the route took us to Eastman Elementary School. Eventually he retired and spent his winters down in Panama City FL,near my home. I grew up in Concord, and left in 1969 after getting drafted.