Comments from altetz

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altetz commented about Seeking Stories from Projectionists on May 14, 2008 at 1:03 am

From 1969 to 1975 I worked as a “relief” projectionist for the local IATSE union on Long Island, NY. My first day working solo happened to be when the men of Apollo 11 walked on the moon, but my mind was on my work and I tried to put on a flawless show at the Nautilus Theatre in Long Beach, NY. I wish I could remember the film we were showing at the time (perhaps Bonnie & Cylde?). The view from the projection booth was that of ocean and beach and bikini’s.

Being a relief projectionist meant I got to work many houses all over Long Island. All but a few were the 20 min reel variety and I can’t imagine what life is like dealing with those platters. Glad I worked when I did.