Comments from AGoodGuyInNY

Showing 3 comments

AGoodGuyInNY commented about Fleischmanns Theater on May 21, 2005 at 3:02 pm

The owner’s comment that you wouldn’t be able to build the theatre for $150 per square foot is irrelevant to the market value of the building AS A THEATRE. The justifications used for pricing this theatre at such an exorbitant price demonstrate a lack of understanding of the economics of theatre â€" both film and legitimate stage presentation. A few other comments:
1. Rumor has it that the Galli-Curci Theatre in Margaretville (about 8 miles away) has been purchased by two film makers who keep second homes in the area. The rumor continues that they plan to renovate and convert it into a twin screen movie house. If this is true, it does not bode well for the sale price of the Fleischmanns Theatre.
2. The Belleayre Resort at Catskill Park has yet to be approved.
3. The fact that there are various grants, low-interest loans and tax incentives that MAY BE available has nothing to do with the inherent value of the building. These programs exist for the community good when regular commercial avenues are not economically viable. In other words … it is NOT a justification to fork over an extra $100,000.00 to the seller IF, for example, there is $100,000.00 in grant money available. If this were the case, the seller could procure the grants himself, do nothing to improve the building and pocket the money.

AGoodGuyInNY commented about Fleischmanns Theater on May 21, 2005 at 3:02 pm

The owner’s comment that you wouldn’t be able to build the theatre for $150 per square foot is irrelevant to the market value of the building AS A THEATRE. The justifications used for pricing this theatre at such an exorbitant price demonstrate a lack of understanding of the economics of theatre â€" both film and legitimate stage presentation. A few other comments:
1. Rumor has it that the Galli-Curci Theatre in Margaretville (about 8 miles away) has been purchased by two film makers who keep second homes in the area. The rumor continues that they plan to renovate and convert it into a twin screen movie house. If this is true, it does not bode well for the sale price of the Fleischmanns Theatre.
2. The Belleayre Resort at Catskill Park has yet to be approved.
3. The fact that there are various grants, low-interest loans and tax incentives that MAY BE available has nothing to do with the inherent value of the building. These programs exist for the community good when regular commercial avenues are not economically viable. In other words … it is NOT a justification to fork over an extra $100,000.00 to the seller IF, for example, there is $100,000.00 in grant money available. If this were the case, the seller could procure the grants himself, do nothing to improve the building and pocket the money.

AGoodGuyInNY commented about Fleischmanns Theater on May 21, 2005 at 2:33 pm

A few details contributed to this site by the theatre’s owner are incorrect:
1. The Fleischmanns Theatre was built by Max Silberman and it opened in 1929 as the Maxbilt Theatre. It was not named the Onteora Theatre until the 1950s.
2. The Fleischmanns Theatre is NOT an Art Deco theatre. The exterior of the building is Not Art Deco. The marquee, which is not original to the structure, is Not Art Deco. The proscenium arch is Not Art Deco â€" its style is Empire. Yes, there are Art Deco house light fixtures; however, it is very probable that these were installed in the 1950s when the owners at the time replaced equipment, seating, etc. with used fixtures purchased from another movie house which had closed.