Comments from 50yrsfromnow

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50yrsfromnow commented about Uptown Theatre on Oct 5, 2007 at 11:55 am

Have read the above links to ownership issues and interest by developers.

My guess is the usual scoundrels and villains are lining up to pick over the bones. And I wonder why the city has been so indifferent, seems like there would be a push to go one way or the other?

Wouldn’t it really stink to have a new owner save the lobby for historical value as an entrance to the new office tower where the theater “was”. Maybe a Starbucks and gift shoppes. Worse deals involving historical sites have been made. Well maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing compared to what is happening now. I would bet my last buck in the end local interests will be forgotten and the site will be used as leverage for a bigger non related real estate deal.

By the way. Who is paying the utilities, taxes, roof leaks, boiler repair and so on now? If no owner is willing to do this it kind of makes you wonder.