Comments from 1walrus

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1walrus commented about Montgomery Cinemas on Jul 31, 2009 at 12:51 pm

I’m not really familiar with much of the seating capacity of this theatre, however from what I recall, Cinema 3 had a pretty long path leading up to the screen with plenty of seats on the left and the right of the auditorium. I do not recall that one being small, which is why I’m surprised to see that the seating capacity could be 93 seats.
Cinema 2 seemed much smaller than the possible 143 seating when I saw “Good Will Hunting”. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that it was a pretty crowded showing. It probably is about the same size as Cinemas 4 and 6.
It is a nice little theatre. I highly recommend it. The only one problem I had was when I went to see “Married Life” I was not anticipating watching it but there was nothing else worth seeing at the time. It was on a Saturday afternoon and there were two older women in the auditorium besides me. They did not seem to mind the constant hissing coming from the auditorium speakers throughout the entire performance although it was not distracting enough to mention it to the staff. The movie itself was not that good anyhow.

Films seen here are as follows:
“Kiss Me Guido” – Cinema 3 on 08/02/97
“Good Will Hunting” – Cinema 2 on 01/18/98
“Before Sunset” – Cinema 6 on 08/17/04
“Black Snake Moan” – Cinema 4 on 03/14/07
“Married Life” – Cinema 4 on 04/18/08