Comments from 1964Usher

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1964Usher commented about Criterion Theatre on Aug 28, 2016 at 1:38 am

I worked as an usher in the Criterion in the mid 60’s. My brother & sister-in-law also worked there. “Lawrence of Arabia” and “My Fair Lady” were the big box office hits. Both movies were shown with reserved seats. Mr. Schwartz was the General Manager, Mr. Potell [not sure of the spelling] was the Head Treasure, Frank was the Head Usher and Marge the Head Usherette. I remember having to stand out front and “bark” – “seats available for today’s performance.” Actually barking wasn’t that bad. I met a lot of tourists, gave restaurant recommendations & lots of directions. Back then Bonds was open, there was a tie shop on the downtown side of the theater and the Woolworth 5 & 10 was still in operation.