National Hills Theatre

2701 Washington Road,
Augusta, GA 30909

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robinmitcham on April 5, 2010 at 4:57 pm

Good idea….I need to call Bill to see if he can make it Saturday.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 5, 2010 at 4:49 pm

If something went wrong you were suppose to know how to fix it. The trouble was in those days they expected you to be on the floor and booth.Impossible task. I think I am going to call Nick and see if he is okay.

robinmitcham on April 5, 2010 at 4:38 pm

Oh, I’m not gonna lie…I could only do the easy part. I could get the movies threaded up and started. I could even change the lenses, but if anything ever went wrong I wouldn’t know what to do! I wouldn’t have any idea how to take all those little cans of film and turn them into one big movie! LOL

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 5, 2010 at 4:26 pm

I Know “THE RIGHT STUFF” played in 70mm I have some of the film a few clips. YOu have to look hard,but one who knows the theatre location can easily see it. They had a print stolen in COLUMBIA,S.C. on “RETURN” right out of the booth. Never heard the outcome. I had reel 4 or 5 of JAWS 2 that never got shipped and no one questioned,Gave it to Bill. When he left GCC Regency Mall he said the whole movie “CASINO” was left in the booth. Bet it is still there. Hey, you were a step up from TLSLOEWS and Me we weren’t projectionists.We got out at the right time.

robinmitcham on April 5, 2010 at 4:15 pm

I know we had something in 70mm when I was there, but I can’t remember what it was. I’m afraid we didn’t pay attention to details like that — we just took it for granted that Bill would play whatever showed up. I only remember it because it came in different cans.

Talking about the cans of film brought back a lot of memories.

You know I remember when we had Return of the Jedi they made Bill lock the film in the office every night!

That is great and sad at the same time about the theatre being on tv. I’m not a big Tiger, golf, or Masters fan, so I haven’t seen it.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 5, 2010 at 3:52 pm

Robin, DID YOU KNOW that our theatre,NATIONAL HILLS THEATRE.what is left of it has been on the NBC TODAY SHOW. Yep, as they talk about Tiger Woods at the Masters,in the backgroud is what is left of NATIONALHILLS THEATRE!!!! Is on Network TV.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 5, 2010 at 3:46 pm

Well, if i can’t discuss theatre with Nick, Robin.or You it ain’t worth getting on.Still don’t know about Nick. I sent him several theatres to put on a month ago. Maybe I scared him off like with Robin.“quit sending us so many items”. I bet they would put a picture of your collection of pictures on CT.

TLSLOEWS on April 4, 2010 at 12:50 pm

Mike been out of town have not been online back now.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 3, 2010 at 3:49 pm

You were working there,Robin when you all played “THE RIGHT STUFF” in 70mm.Bill swears he played"STORKER ACE" that Burt Reynolds racecar movie in 70mm.I don’t think we ever played a 70mm movie while i was there because it was the doorman’s job to carry the cans to the booth. A few years ago, I was in my cousin’s booth FOUR SEASONS CINEMAS[on CT] and his prints were coming in a CARDBOARD BOX. NO FILM CANS.Give me a break.That made it feel ilke a movie not some stinking DVD some are using!

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 3, 2010 at 2:27 pm

I don’t know what Happened to Nick,Like Bill, he is taking care of a sick Aunt.As for Tlsloews, i don’t know what happened.

robinmitcham on April 1, 2010 at 5:12 pm

Hahaha…I meant on here…that we had run everybody off of CT! We knew about the show and Bill’s aunt, so everybody knew yall would have to leave early. It was too short though…that’s why I want us to get together again. It was a lot of fun!

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 1, 2010 at 3:20 pm

You guys didn’t run a soul off. I had a show call at 10 pm, Bill is taking care of a very old Aunt. I reaaly want to spend more time when i visit, Our 85-86 reunion ran well into the early hours. However, we were all much younger then too. I heck with Lisa. I wouldn’t beg. You all seem like nice folks to work with so I don’t know how it could have been something at work.

robinmitcham on April 1, 2010 at 2:53 pm

Yea…I was wondering if we ran everybody off! Well, you can come over earlier if you want to or come back after the show. I think some of Brianna’s friends are spending the night, so we’ll probably be up most of the night!!! Cathy is excited about getting together again. I think Diane is coming and I need to call Bill. I think I’m going to get somebody else to call Lisa…maybe they can find out what the problem is.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 1, 2010 at 2:38 pm

Golly, I knew that date there was something on it,Some black singer called MO-NEIQE or somthing stupid like that has a show that night. I don’t know,maybe i can drop in,but dang I hate staying a few hours,but like I said,that might be all you can handle with my theatre stories,most which are on CT.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 1, 2010 at 2:33 pm

I guess no chance of getting Lisa K. and her brother Mark. I know Mark lives in Atlanta. I haven’t a read a thing from Nick or Tlsloews in quite a while, in fact if I can’t get you all on I usually just get off and let my girls on . I don’t understand why Lisa would not come to a NATIONAL HILLS reunion her brother and her worked years for ABC and Plitt, Wild.

robinmitcham on March 31, 2010 at 6:59 pm

I know what you mean…the date has already changed. Cathy, Diane, and Kim could not come this Saturday. I had not called Bill yet but I was going to. Now it’s going to be on April 10th, around 4 ish. It’s going to be for my daughter’s birthday too, so I’m letting everybody know and hopefully some can make it. If this doesn’t work out I WILL CALL YOU and work on another day!

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on March 31, 2010 at 3:36 pm

Robin, we have a show Saturday,a small event,So i hate to drive over and stay just an hour or two,but that might be all you all can take.You never know how long you will be there could be as short as 4 hours or longer.Were you going to try and get a few of the others from your gang? Was Bill coming? You know you might just want to wait to after MASTERS,but if you all got it planned,I can’t promise anything,but i might be able to come by,but I just hate staying a couple of hours.We really hardly talked any theatre stories last time. I am so glad you can get these pictures on.

robinmitcham on March 29, 2010 at 6:24 pm

Mike…I really enjoy doing this and it doesn’t take that much time. Just mark the pictures you like and want posted. I am having yall over again soon — was thinking about Saturday??? — I can scan any pictures you want me to. I can go back and edit and post them later.

I remind the other girls (especially Cathy) all the time. Cathy keeps telling me she’s coming on here, but she never does! I do know what you mean.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on March 29, 2010 at 5:05 pm

I sent a few pictures to Nick,but haven’t seen them on yet. I can send more,but don’t want to send so much it takes so much time I know. Have one of me in front of the Big screen ripped to pieces by Georgia theatre, You might not be able to stand to see that picture.All in All, Robin great work. I appreciate it even though if the rest of the gang {yours and mine} don’t.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on March 26, 2010 at 10:53 am

Those jackets looked good too,you would be amazed at how many girls one could pick up. They would see the ABC logo and think TV even though it has THEATRE underneath,Of course us old theatre dawgs would never correct them. The jacket i own comes from Jim Neely via the IMPERIAL.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on March 26, 2010 at 10:50 am

Pictures looked good.It was the best of was the worst of times walking up to a theatre that i had so many great friendships.Don’t think it would have happen had i worked at a burger joint.Not that I ever would! I was going to work in a theatre,when going to the movies use to be special like traveling in a jet,one would get dressed up. Today Jet flying is akin to a bus stop. Glad i got in when I did. We got in on the tail end of the theatre business meaning SHOWMANSHIP.

robinmitcham on March 24, 2010 at 2:12 pm

Mike…is that the same jacket??? Hahahaha

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robinmitcham on March 24, 2010 at 2:04 pm

I was so happy to get my little piece of history in the mail today —-my screen!!! Then I had to look at the pictures, how sad. I’m putting these pictures on for you Mike. I don’t want to even think about them. I just want to remember the place the way it was.

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Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on March 21, 2010 at 2:07 pm

I never know about my weekends,depends on what is at the civic center.Remember at our reunion I had to leave alot earlier than I wanted because of a show.

robinmitcham on March 20, 2010 at 8:33 pm

Wow…I’m going to hate to see those, but I will post them. And I do want my screen! Do you work most weekends? Looking at a cookout on Sat., April 3rd. Can you make that? BTW…we’re setting you up an email account!!!
Nick and tlsloews are welcome too:)