Imperial Theatre
745 Broad Street,
745 Broad Street,
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Nick,great ads.Did i ever send down the one of Barkley they shot for a newspaper ad on “JAWS” listing the footage and hours he spent in the booth.That would be a great one.I might have mailed it to Robin to print.I looked the other day and can’t find the darn thing.Great Ad.Can’t believe we played “THE MACK” on a late show.Usually the late shows were not Blaxploitation films.Don’t know what Mr.Tinney {city Mgr} was thinking.
Nick, I’ve done that. When you want to add a link to a picture make sure you use the url from that picture…not your whole photostream.
Thanks tlsloews & Robin! But just when I thought I had it down pat I realize there’s more about Flickr I need to learn. I just added an ad to the National Hills page and it’s also showing in the link above. Now how’d that happen..!?
Uh oh Nick…..wait til Mike sees that. You’re in trouble now! Great job!
Looks like you got it Nick.It works Nice JAWS ad.
I think I’ve figured out how this flickr thing works. Here’s a 1975 ad for “Jaws” at the Imperial.
View link
I saw it and it is pure trash and the guy must be drunk or on drugs to tpye such stuff. Robin, Plez don’t even go there.
Mike Rogers check out the posts on 16th.STREET LAUERDHILL site.
Ed Blank,i am working up a history on the Marrah Theatre and Carolina Theatre in North Augusta,Hopefully I will have them on by weekend.
Tlsloews.I GOT THEM.Don’t tell Robin I am learning about emails.LOL.
Belle Meade Theatre Looked like the Pepsi-Kelly Buddy Club for all the kids in Augusta. I guess most every town had something like this. Glad you saved some pictures. I bet you wished you saved a few movie ads from your theatres you worked and managed,Or did you and you plan on putting them on,I sent some to Robin and Nick,but so far NOT A THING.
Mike I e-mailed you some photos and stories let me know if you got them O.K.
Happy Birthday Beverly. We saw alot free movies here at ABC/ Plitt Theatre.
I really want to get to the Augusta Archives and list ALL the movies that played at COLUMBIA 1 and 2 while i worked there. Also at the first year of National Hills then ramdom movies that played there while I was there.I gotta get some money cause it ain’t a free service. I bet you guys have one too,Ever think about doing that on some of your old theatres? I see guys doing it all the time with theatres some list every MOVIE for decades!!
Your all over your old theatres today Mike,trying to keep up but my old laptop is getting slower everyday.
12-24-69 “BOB&CAROL&TED & ALICE” opens at the Imperial rated R.
07-21-71 “ANDERSON TAPES” opens with Sean Connery as a bad guy.
01-30-74 sees the violent and not a comedy “LAUGHING POLICEMAN” open at the Imperial.{i saw it there. Bruce Dren was great in it.}
“The Swarm” had major stars. Irwin Allen production.I have the SOUNDTRACK to “WILD IN THE STREETS” had i known you liked it I would have brought it down.AND GAVE IT TO YOU!
Mike…your comment on “The Swarm” is priceless! As I recall it had some big name stars but even their names weren’t enough to salvage this clunker. Wasn’t it produced by Irwin Allen? “Wild in the Streets” was an absolutely awesome movie from 1968. A song from the film “The Shape of Things To Come” was a top 40 chart hit in ‘68. “Hooper” was a heck of an enjoyable film. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to see the inside of the Imperial when I visited Augusta but at least I could see a portion of the lobby through the front doors. Very nice theatre with much historical significance.
Do not trust anyone over 30.“WILD IN THE STREETS” opens 05-29-68 rated M. Ten years later,07-12-78 the horrible “THE SWARM” opens to people walking out laughing rated PG. Burt hits town, 07-19-78 with “HOOPER” rated PG. Does Great.
I did some research on the Art Theatre located on the 500 block of Broad. When I went in a couple years ago the projection booth was still there but, of course, no equipment. I did a little research on it but would like to hear more. Many thanks for saving items from the Miller that were headed for the dumpster. I keep all the items found in safe storage and would love to add to the collection those items you located. Makes you rather ill to think of how much was actually tossed from our historic theatres into dumpsters.
Great,I hope i ain’t the only one there from the theatres. I noticed you don’t include the ART THRATRE {CINEMA1}.I know Cinema 1 played only Kung-fu the the Art Theatre on {CT} did play quite a few classics.during her run of the 60’s and early 70’s. Joe Goode was a projectionist that I think owned Snappys Next to the Imperial and decided to open a Theatre. Bill Barkley knows so much of this.
Here’s an added bonus for past theatre employees coming to you from Augusta Amusements. If you purchase a ticket to our next Classic Movie Night scheduled for May 29th at Paul Simon Theater, Augusta Amusements will give you a free Historic Augusta Theatre Tee Shirt or 50th Anniversary “The Three Faces of Eve” Tee Shirt. Quantity and sizes are limited so purchase your tickets soon.
Call me at 706-726-0366 so I can pull your shirt and let me know which theatre you worked and the approximate years. I will make sure your name is noted in our evening program.
I am going to bring my RED Managers jacket with was the same as the Doorman.Which i never could understand.At GCC our managers coats were a dark blue compared to the light blue doorman’s coat. Need to let Bill know i have the dangest time calling him.
Hahaha…I’m going to have to ask Bill cause I don’t think Cathy ever worked there!
I was hoping Nick would print that picture and or the MODJESKA shot of the marquee being rippied down,but last time i checked he hasn’t. I think I mailed one to you.But you have done so much for NATIONAL HILLS and COLUMBIA 1and2. You are right about Bill,outside of Me ,I really don’t think there is anyone in this city that knows the history from,in my case 1974 to 1980 on theatres and Drive-ins. Bill Barkley’s Knowledge spans decades.
I know we never worked across the street,but wouldn’t mind having a MILLER shirt. I had a “SAVE THE MODJESKA” t-shirt from the late 70’s.Wish I would have saved it instead of wearing it. I had a graphic from a newspaper ad that wanted to have made into T-Shirts and give them away to our ABC/Plitt Theatre gang,but money got tight and I never went to check prices,but still have the ad with the IMPERIAL logo on it. You could print that group shot of our reunion last fall here on the IMPERIAL site. I am going to look for a few things to give to the FRIENDS OF THE MILLER. THings I saved from the Dumpster on Ellis Street.