RKO Bushwick Theatre

1396 Broadway,
Brooklyn, NY 11221

Unfavorite 13 people favorited this theater

Showing 126 - 150 of 418 comments

PeterKoch on February 9, 2009 at 2:20 pm

True, Bway.

Thanks, Bob Furmanek ! That’s an average of seven theaters a day !

Nyuk nyuk nyuk !

BobFurmanek on February 9, 2009 at 2:17 pm

The Stooges appeared at the RKO Madison the day before at 9:50 PM. They appeared at 21 theaters in 3 days!

Bway on February 9, 2009 at 2:05 pm

While Bushwick was beginning to fall by 1962, as mentioned, it wasn’t anything like what the 1970’s were to bring…..
I wonder if they came to the RKO Madison that day too. The RKO Madison also often had stars coming to it to promote it’s films.

PeterKoch on February 6, 2009 at 10:17 am

Same here, John D. My family and I travelled safely to and from our family doctor (Wilchfort) on Palmetto between Bushwick Avenue and Bway through 1965, until he moved to Ridgewood in 1966.

johndereszewski on February 6, 2009 at 6:40 am

More seriously, 1962 was not 1977. So maybe they didn’t need Hercules. Good talking to you, Peter K.

PeterKoch on February 5, 2009 at 10:13 am

Good point, John D. !

johndereszewski on February 5, 2009 at 4:16 am

Well, Peter, they DID have Hercules with them!

PeterKoch on February 4, 2009 at 4:09 pm

Nyuk nyuk nyuk ….

Hope they got out of the RKO Bushwick Theatre, and Bushwick itself, safely !

BobFurmanek on February 4, 2009 at 3:14 pm

On Friday January 26, 1962, the Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly-Joe DeRita) embarked on a three day promotional tour for their latest feature film, THE THREE STOOGES MEET HERCULES. They were accompanied by “The Herculean Giant” (almost 8 foot tall Dave Ballard) and popular DJ Clay Cole, who was one of the stars of the co-feature, TWIST AROUND THE CLOCK.

On Sunday January 28, they appeared at the RKO Bushwick at 8:05 PM.

MPol on December 28, 2008 at 7:28 pm

Neat photo. Thanks, Warren.

MPol on December 28, 2008 at 7:26 pm

Sorry, ERD. I was just pointing out that I’m a woman, so that there wouldn’t be any more mistakes made. I see what you’re saying, however.

Bway on December 28, 2008 at 7:07 pm

Those light fixtures for some reason just don’t seem to “go” with the decor.

ERD on December 28, 2008 at 11:44 am

I am interested in the information given by C.T. members, not their life style.

Panzer65 on December 28, 2008 at 11:18 am

Nice photo Warren, that one looks like a one in a million.

MPol on December 23, 2008 at 12:47 am

What does that mean, Lost Memory?!? LOL

Bway on December 22, 2008 at 10:11 pm

Well, I am not a woman, and I am not gay, but still have an interest in theaters….

MPol on December 22, 2008 at 9:16 pm

Women posters here in the minority, Peter.K? Hmmmm…not altogether sure about that, since I’ve noticed a ton of women’s names on this site.

Warren: Is an interest in theatres mostly a guy thing?

PeterKoch on December 22, 2008 at 1:49 pm

Can you give us some percentages, Warren ?

PeterKoch on December 22, 2008 at 10:09 am

Thanks, MPol, I had no idea. I get the impression that women are in the minority among posters on this site. Am I correct ?

MPol on December 19, 2008 at 8:18 pm

While I see your viewpoint on this, Peter K, I also must point out that I happen to be a woman.

Moondog on December 19, 2008 at 7:48 pm

You’re right B'way, it certainly looks like they cleaned the graffiti from the building. Looks like they took the scaffolding down too.

PeterKoch on December 19, 2008 at 4:27 pm

The last thing I want to do here is be another Warren, in terms of non-management personnel policing this site, and I have certainly done my share of off-topic posting on this site, but may I suggest that the above discussion of Boston theatres be moved to the pages (if any) on this site devoted to them. If there aren’t any, perhaps you gentlemen, with MPol taking the lead, could start some.

MPol on December 19, 2008 at 4:11 pm

Hi again, Panzer65. You’re welcome. Thanks for the compliments. Boston does have some nice movie theatres. The AMC Theatre in Harvard Square used to be a single-screened revival movie house, where they played a lot of double-feature revivals, and, every six months, there’d be a big update in the Boston Phoenix, telling which movies would be playing there on which date(s). Among the movies I saw at the Harvard Square Theatre before it was bought out by Lowes and then by AMC were In the Name of the Father, Around the World in 80 Days, my alltime favorite film, West Side Story, and a number of others. It was a cool theatre…often crowded, but, hey….I miss those days.
However, I’m more than grateful that the Brattle and the Coolidge are still around.

Panzer65 on December 19, 2008 at 3:53 pm

Boston does indeed seem like a great place to catch a movie,thanks for the excellent descriptions of the theaters there MPol.

MPol on December 17, 2008 at 8:29 pm

Thanks for your replies to my questions, Bway, Louis Rugani and Panze65. There are afew modern multiplex movie theatres in the city here in the Boston area, but most of them are out in the suburbs, just off the big state and/or interstate highways.

AMC (Formerly Lowes) Boston Common and the AMC/Fenway are two urban multiplex movie theatres., and there’s also AMC Theatre in Cambridge’s Harvard Square, as well as the Kendall Square/Landmark Cinema, in Cambridge’s Kendall Square. There used to be an AMC in Somerville’s Assembly Square, but that closed down almost 2 years ago. When that particular theatre closed, AMC bought it, but for some reason, they didn’t want to keep it, so it’s closed, even though the building’s still standing. Here’s hoping they build a theatre in the Asssembly Square’s AMC’s place that doesn’t play the same schlocky films as most everybody else, if one gets the drift.

The Somerville Theatre in Davis Square and the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline, MA are also multiplexes, but they’ve retained their movie-palace character. Hope they stay up forever. The same thing with the Brattle, which is a single-screen movie theatre, with a balcony. Here’s hoping it stays up forever, too.