UA Movies at Patchogue 13

600 Sunrise Highway,
Patchogue, NY 11772

Unfavorite 8 people favorited this theater

Showing 101 - 125 of 241 comments

Bway on February 7, 2007 at 10:12 am

I totally agree. I WANT the Patchogue to survive. It wouldn’t be all that hard to do. But it DOES need some attention, and that’s the constructive critism some of us are trying to give for it. The status quoi probably won’t allow it to survive. The Patchogue is heathily busy on weekends or prime times. But it can be busier. But to get the other patrons, it has to be upgraded to compete with the other options available.
But the problem may be that they don’t know if they will stay. I don’t know if that housing development was approved or not. I certainly hope not.

Daydreamer on February 1, 2007 at 5:25 pm

I have been going to Patchogue 13 since I was a little girl. And that’s going back 20 years. So I’d be really sad to see it go. I think all it needs is some love and attention. I have been to the Brookhaven Multiplex and Island 16 and they suck. Patchogue has the big screen in theater 13. When the original Star Wars was re-released the theater was packed. Not a seat or ticket available. I think if Patchogue was to get a better concession stand and better staff it’d rise again. Have some kind of coupons thing where you buy 2 candies and get 1 free. Or family day. Something to grab attention. Island 16 is a little too flashy and crowded for me. And there’s no reason for a bar. You’re there to see a movie not get tipsy. And their prices are outrageous for food. It’s like you’re there to have dinner, the things to choose from. But Patchogue could have a little of what they have. Burgers, fries, and chicken tenders. Patchogue 13 needs a miracle. And some smart heartful investors. If I had the money I’d give it in a second. So I’ll just stay hopeful and maybe a miracle will occur.

Bway on January 26, 2007 at 1:49 am

Hahaha. Yup, unfortunately, as an older multiplex, the Patchogue 13 is a lot more old fashioned, and run down than the others in the area, and I guess he’s just bitter about that. I have to laugh when someone comes in so bitter. I was just at the Patchogue to see Casino Royale a few weeks ago, because it was playing there a little longer than some of the other theaters around, and I didn’t get to see the movie sooner. I always go to the Patchogue hoping for the best, but of course, it lived up to what I expected. The screens are small, had spots on it, the bathrooms dirty (with water or hopefully it’s water all over the floor), and it shows it’s age. If they were planning to keep it open, it would need an upgrade, or at least some renovation. And of course in this day, people expect stadium seating. Don’t get me wrong, I want the Patchogue to do well, (and it wasn’t unbusy), and it’s convenient. I want it to stay open. This is constructive critism. This is what people that come to the theater feel when they go therer. You can’t with a straight face say that the Patchogue is a clean, well kept theater. It’s not “that” bad, but unfortunately, it needs some work too, which I don’t know will be done if it’s questionable that they will stay open. It’s probably even possible to convert the auditoriums to stadium (or some of them), if there was any hope of staying open.

And yes, while I can accept $19 for two movie tickets, but $21 for two popcorns and two drinks is completely outrageous (although that’s about the same nonsense at most theaters today)….and again, to the credit, it was some of the best popcorn I have had at a theater in years.

Instead of coming here with a bug up your, well you know, remember, we are on your side, we want the Patchogue to stay open. But with that attitude, it’s hard to keep a straight face.

Michael Furlinger
Michael Furlinger on January 26, 2007 at 1:20 am

if you think any info is wrong please list and i will be happy to let you know how i got that info………other than that you sound like a nasty bitter theater manager!

BigBurp on January 25, 2007 at 8:03 pm

I’ve been reading a lot of comments on this site for a few hours now, and am convinced that some of you just don’t know too much about movie theaters on Long Island. Mr Bway is not very clever, and Longislandmovies makes so many mistakes, its laughable. Do you guys just go to the movies, then sit back and make this stuff up? Try research. Try asking theater managers. Don’t just rant on in blistful ignorance. Mr. Gustavelifting isn’t bad, and rogerbee is better yet, so come on, think before you type. Why do theaters rent to churches? Why do property developers want land? Why don’t drive-in’s exist on L.I. anymore? These are all questions that can be answered with logic and thought. You don’t have to be a movie person to figure this stuff out. Unless, of course, you’re teenagers, in which case I apologize for assuming you know much about anything. I’ve worked in the theater industry on L.I. for decades. I worked at UA Patchogue for many of those years and several other theaters too. Try to seek out answers to questions and share them. Don’t just talk out of hand and hope people will believe you.

FYI: Theater 13 at UA Patchogue is the original Indoor theater of the Indoor/Outdoor arangement. It used to seat 632 people before the handicapped sections were added, reducing the capacity to 570. The projector ports (for Bway: that’s the holes where the light from the projector shoots through the wall) for the outdoor have been sealed by brick, but are still noticable in the projection booth as well as from outside. The outdoor screen sat in the south west corner of the parking lot. The Regal owned 13 plex sits astride the Patchogue/Blue point border. The business address is Patchogue, but the school district (as well as the fire district) is Blue Point(Think property taxes here boys). The old concession area opposite Th # 13 is actually a warehouse for Regal. The old district office upstairs serves as a lounge and storage area. As for the future ? Rogerbee is correct. According to my friends at UA, the land is already sold to the developer (Regal leases it now), but the town doesn’t want to change the zoning, so everything is in limbo.

Sorry I ranted a bit myself, but I just couldn’t take it anymore. I’ll visit this site again soon. I can answer a lot of questions for you about a lot of theaters, but ask me good ones……

Bway on January 1, 2007 at 3:08 pm

Well, I went here the other night to see a movie, and while I will get credit that it was perhaps the BEST popcorn I have ever gotten in a theater, the cost of concessions has gotten out of control. This is a trend everywhere, not just the Patchogue Theater. The movie was $9 each, so that’s $18 for two. I proceded to buy two medium drinks, and two medium popcorns…..and that came to $22!!! The concessions now cost more than the movie! While again, I have to say, the popcorn was the best I had in a while, freshly popped….but $6 is just ridiculous. And $5 for a medium coke!
Again, this is not just the Patchogue Theater, but just chose this one to vent as it was fresh in my mind…
The theater itself was clean, even if showing it’s age. I guess I am getting used to stadium seating in multiplexes, so it was a while since I have been in a theater with ‘standard" seating, and I have to say….I am spoiled by stadium seating….hard to go back….

Bway on June 5, 2006 at 5:18 pm

Any word on what is the latest on the housing development that is supposed to be built here? Is the Patchogue still in danger of closing?

RobertR on June 4, 2006 at 7:15 am

December of 1985 the drive-ins indoor screen was playing “Jewel of the Nile”.
View link

Michael Furlinger
Michael Furlinger on April 2, 2006 at 6:04 am

This should be the last summer for this ua house plans seem to begoing ahead with new housing.

uncleal923 on September 22, 2005 at 1:34 pm

Here is where those other Theaters are located in Cinema Treasures;

Patchogue= /theaters/7402
Plaza= /theaters/4515
Sunwave= /theaters/7842

I just figured a few of you would want to know, if they didn’t already.

AllieFox on September 22, 2005 at 5:47 am

Does anyone have pictures of this theater?

EIther as it was or as it currently is?

Bway on September 1, 2005 at 6:31 am

Yup, I remember all of them.
The Rialto burned down.
The Plaza hasn’t seen a movie since the 80’s, and the building is slowly falling apart.
The Patchogue Theater has been beautifully restored, and they show Broadway SHows and other events there now, but no movies anymore.
The Sunwave Theater is now Howard’s Bar and Grill and La Strata Restaurant next to it.
Check their sections, all of them are listed on this site.

icom on September 1, 2005 at 3:01 am

Anybody remember the old rialto theater on south ocean ave? or the plaza which was uptown heading east towards grants city? then you had the patchogue in town, then to the west you had the sunwave twin cinema up by playworld. my father use to take me to all the theaters when I was a kid, I miss those days. take care.

Bway on August 25, 2005 at 8:25 am

I’ve been in the theater, but to see a movie…..not a church.
I assume the rest of the week and day it’s just a normal auditorium to see movies, like any other within the multiplex.

rogerbee on August 25, 2005 at 8:22 am

Looks a lot different to the church I was sent to as a kid! Anyone been there?

Bway on August 23, 2005 at 5:00 am

Here’s a link to the church that uses one of the Patchogue’s auditoriums on Sunday.
Notice the screen being used behind the “altar”.

View link

Meredith Rhule
Meredith Rhule on August 8, 2005 at 2:42 pm

At some point in time, this was the NYC district headquarters for UA. The district manager’s offices and signs on the doors are still up in the projection booth. Today, it is a refreshment lounge for the projectionists.

uncleal923 on June 24, 2005 at 5:21 pm

When did this happen?

teresa23 on June 22, 2005 at 7:22 pm

If it closes so much for my petition to form a foot bridge across sunrise hyway. I personally knew both the kids that got hit by cars crossing surise to get to the McDonalds there.

uncleal923 on May 15, 2005 at 7:34 pm

You may be right, I haven’t been to Mastic lately

Bway on May 12, 2005 at 7:35 pm

Speaking of Movieland, there is also one of those in mastic come to think of it.

uncleal923 on May 12, 2005 at 1:10 pm

Roe 5685;
I also thought of Movieland, which is on Route 112 in Coram, and the PJ Cinemas on the same road in Port Jefferson. They are also smaller theatres.

Roe5685 on May 12, 2005 at 9:59 am

Thanks for the info on Regal and the Sayville Theaters.

Bway on May 12, 2005 at 5:12 am

Yes, the Regal in Ronkonkoma is a nice place to go. It’s not as crowded as the Island 16, but is a nice theater. It’s one of the first in the wave of modern multiplexes, with stadium seating etc. The Regal used to be packed when it first opened, but the Island 16 took a lot of business away from it it appears.

uncleal923 on May 11, 2005 at 9:23 pm

Guys, I normally submit without previewing. The second one is correct. The Regal is in Ronkonkoma.