RKO Keith's Theatre

135-35 Northern Boulevard,
Flushing, NY 11354

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Jeffrey1955 on January 21, 2006 at 1:06 pm

Once again, I am mystified by a description of this project. Boymelgreen’s website says that the tower will feature “a dramatic glazed facade designed to evoke the image the old auditorium space.” I see nothing in the pictures that looks even vaguely like the old auditorium space — nor do I understand how a glazed facade COULD evoke an auditorium. Do these people just assume that we’re all too stupid to care?

Jeffrey1955 on January 21, 2006 at 1:02 pm

Once again, I am mystified by a description of this project. Boymelgreen’s website says that the tower will feature “a dramatic glazed facade designed to evoke the image the old auditorium space.” I see nothing in the pictures that looks even vaguely like the old auditorium space — nor do I understand how a glazed facade COULD evoke an auditorium. Do these people just assume that we’re all too stupid to care?

NativeForestHiller on January 21, 2006 at 4:38 am

P.S. Even in its current condition, I’ve seen cases where buildings were landmarked. Please write to the Landmarks Preservation Commission, urging designation of the facade ASAP:

Mr. Robert Tierney, Chairman
c/o NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
1 Centre St, 9th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10007
.gov & CC .gov
Follow up with phone calls: (212) 669-7700 (Press “1” & then dial “Tierney”)

Please carbon copy & so we can keep track of how many letters are being sent to the LPC. Thank you for your support!

NativeForestHiller on January 21, 2006 at 4:24 am


752 Pacific St
Brooklyn, NY 11238
TEL: (718)398-3200
FAX: (718)398-3222
WEBSITE: www.levievboymelgreen.com/

FOR RKO KEITH’S PROPOSAL (IMAGES): Click on launch site. When you see the Welcome page, click on New York, scroll over the projects selector to Queens, & then click on RKO PLAZA. Notice how the “Keith’s” part of the name is history going to hell. The first image you will see is a rendering of Boymelgreen’s project in its entirety. Keep in mind that he’s trying to manipulate you by showing the very first rendering of his project, which was prior to the glass curtain concept. This image shows minimal facade details retained with the high-rise above. That was the project that Councilman Liu, the community board, & Borough Pres. Helen Marshall did not approve. Then scroll over & click each portion of the menu (building, entrance, historical photo, lobby, etc). The glass curtain facade plan (the true 2nd rendering) wipes away history like chalk from a blackboard. My conclusion of his plans & photo presentation: The nerve of Boymelgreen to even place a historical photo next to his lackluster, all too common, “head w/o a brain” project, makes one chant, “Save me from the hands of a society filled with greedy, ill-conceived politicians & developers!” LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. PLEASE ACT NOW! A RALLY IS IN THE WORKS. Let’s exchange ideas for the rally, & work cooperatively, so we can put Queens to the test! We need every member to make an effort to attend, & encourage their family & friends to as well. If you haven’t already done so, please lend your support by signing our petition: www.petitiononline.com/rkokeith/petition.html ~AND~ Write letters to your locally elected officials. Preserve/restore this treasure from demolition.


KenRaniere on January 18, 2006 at 6:55 am

Many thanks for offering the petition.
Developers and politicians should know a concerned and seemingly invisible public is watching deeds they choose to bestow on communities other than their own. As a public, awareness behind development on any established property, in any established neighborhood, should be observed, questioned and if necessary, challenged.

Reading the above messages, and focusing on what the RKO Keith site is expected to support … “a trophy tower” … “of 250 condos and 260 parking spaces, with retail stores and a senior center” … “would bring life back to the area,” is what the public has been sold.

Add this to several messages above which currently describe the area as: huge empty buildings which formerly housed department stores now empty; a “foreign” ethnic populus, new to the area, and happy to cater to their own kind in their shops; gridlocked traffic, snarling the streets like some third world backwater. If this description is true of this part of Flushing now, and the kinds of people mentioned here do indeed live and shop in this area, the whole “development” concept still raises more questions than answersâ€"

In this scenario, just who is going to live in the Northern Blvd. “trophy tower” – owners of these ethnic shops on Main St. and Roosevelt Ave.; the burgeoning consumers shopping in this area; maybe the editor of Architectural Digest, or Mayor Blumberg, or Hillary Clinton?

How do you “bring back life to an area” already bulging with life? Does this “silk purse” structure (at the expense of demolishing a well-known theater) really fit the neighborhood for which it is designed? Which seniors will this concept attract?

How will this multi-million dollar development favorably affect the flavor of this existing, less affluent neighborhood? Will “trophy tower” residents really enjoy viewing “the teeming masses” below while sipping chilled Chardonnay?

Sadly, I don’t have any answers to these questions but I do know why the term “development” still gives me the chills.

DavidM on January 13, 2006 at 7:46 am


I’ve signed the petition. Will there be a public hearing or demonstration? I would like to help out in some way.

Jeffrey1955 on January 12, 2006 at 12:20 pm

That’s very interesting. Note that the site lists these “Facts”:
– The developers describe the highrise as a “world-class building” that would be the “gateway to Flushing”.
– The tower would stand on the site of an old theater, however the landmarked lobby would not be demolished but rather restored and open for pedestrians' viewing through a large curtain glass wall.
– In 2004 Community Board 7 turned down a larger building; however, during the hearing on March 10, 2005, the current version passed by a vote of 32-2.
– Besides senior housing there would be 200 condominiums: 21 one-bedroom, 168 two-bedroom and 11 three-bedroom units.
– The project includes 233 proposed parking spaces.
– The restored theater would be accessible to the public.
– Project completion is projected to occur 2 years after approval.[/quote]
Can these guys at least keep their own story straight? Somebody explain to me how you can simultaneously say “The tower would stand on the site of an old theater” and “The restored theater would be accessible to the public.” Besides the fact that there IS NO “restored theater,” they JUST SAID that the restored lobby would be open for “viewing” through a “large curtain glass wall.” How is that the same as being “accessible”? (To say nothing of the fact that describing this as on the site of “an old theater” is akin to describing Madison Square Garden as “on the site of an old train depot”!)

NativeForestHiller on January 12, 2006 at 11:14 am


Boymelgreen Developers, LLC. 535 Dean St, Room 121 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217 (718) 398-3200

Shaya B Developers Inc. 700 Pacific St Broolyn, N.Y. 11217 (718) 398-3200

M Boymelgreen 700 Pacific St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11217 (718) 783-1630

The following link is the Emporis Database, which features various projects of Boymelgreen Developers, LLC: www.emporis.com/en/wm/bu/?id=230253 The project is noted as “RKO Keith’s Theater Site Development,” & includes project data, etc.

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on January 12, 2006 at 8:13 am

The Carolina is also less than half the size of the Keith’s and, therefore, probably a lot easier and less costly to build around. I still think these articles should be included in any materials or petitions submitted to Boymelgreen and the proper political offices in the effort to save the Keith’s.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short on January 11, 2006 at 4:24 pm

The exact condition of the Keith’s seems to be a matter of debate. Nevertheless, read the story of the Carolina Theatre:


Closed in the 70’s, torched in the 80’s, “open to the winds” (as a friend of mine says) for many years.

The theatre is slated to be restored in the process of building a twenty-story condo complex above it.

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I believe a complete restoration of the Keith’s is viable. There aren’t enough facts. But I’ve got to believe they can do better than this glass wall.

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on January 10, 2006 at 7:09 am

I think there are two factors here: 1) While the Caldor site is certainly more convenient to all means of public transportation (not to mention an existing underground parking lot), it is not in as prominent a location as the Keith’s is, sitting at the very head of Main Street. 2) After 20 years, Politicians just wanted to have done with the whole Keith’s issue already. They consider it nothing more than an “eyesore” that no one in the community – save for a few fanatical theater enthusiasts – gives a damn about. So, they throw us a bone with the alleged “restoration” of the lobby. Once the damn thing is built, the thorn in everyone’s side falls off.

As I said above, the Caldor’s site is an odd shaped parcel that is almost like two buildings (one on Roosevelt and one on Main) connected by a smaller passageway that wraps around the storefronts that actually sit on the corner of the intersection. So, you’d have to buy up the corner parcel(s) and then might want to consider the storefront parcel(s) to the south that abut the railroad tracks, depending on the scale of the building. And that part of Main Street is sort of grimy and very busy; usually teeming with foot traffic as well as vehicular gridlock due to the confluence of so many city bus lines, and therefore far less desireable than the wider and more orderly thouroughfare of Northern Blvd. I don’t think anyone will ever get Boymelgreen to relocate its plans to the Caldor’s site.

TomStathes on January 9, 2006 at 1:00 pm

The Caldor is completely vacant for the past few years. It is a great idea to have Boymelgreen move their plans to that site, though it may take another petition and much mulling. I’m not sure if it’s worth making note of publicly, but anything is possible, right?
My main hope is to convince the Landmarks commission to fully landmark the Keith’s so it WILL have to be preserved or left derelict. I’m sorry, but I’d rather see that rusting hull protruding over the sidewalk for another two decades before any part of the building is intently demolished.

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on January 9, 2006 at 12:54 pm

The Alexander’s/Caldor building is on the east side of Main Street just south of Roosevelt Ave and just a couple of storefronts north of the LIRR railroad tracks. It ran in an L-shape behind the buildings on the corner of Main and Roosevelt so that there was an even larger entrance and facade on Roosevelt. The Main Street entrance was across from 40th Road which ran into Main Street from the west and there is an underground parking garage located adjacent to the entrance. On Roosevelt Ave, the entrance was right next to Stern’s (which I guess is now a Macy’s). I think the corner was a Woolworth’s… but I might be mistaken.

judithblumenthal on January 9, 2006 at 12:31 pm

The former Alexanders was on the corner of Main Street and Roosevelt Avenue in Flushing, where thousands of commuters to and from Manhattan and Long Island milled about near subways, busses, a taxi stand and the Long Island Railroad. Talk about LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION! Why build blocks away on the site of the RKO Keith? Is the price not right?

judithblumenthal on January 9, 2006 at 12:30 pm

The former Alexanders was on the corner of Main Street and Roosevelt Avenue in Flushing, where thousands of commuters to and from Manhattan and Long Island milled about near subways, busses, a taxi stand and the Long Island Railroad. Talk about LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION! Why build blocks away on the site of the RKO Keith? Is the price not right?

Jeffrey1955 on January 9, 2006 at 11:55 am

I’m trying to visualize where this former Alexander’s/Caldor is, and I can’t figure it out. I remember the Alexander’s that became a Caldor at Queens & Junction Blvds. in Rego Park (which is, of course, about midway between the Trylon and Elmwood theaters), but for the life of me I can’t recall an Alexander’s on Main St. in Flushing. Maybe it’s the old selective amnesia again…

Bway on January 9, 2006 at 10:21 am

Ed, it can give hope, however, after reading through the Yeadon Theater’s section, it said that the plan was to:
“The current plan mentioned above to save the lobby building including facade didn’t include any specific reuse for performing arts center.”

It appears even their “restoration”, just like the Keiths was only saving the lobby, not the main building.
Of course then, now they had this “suspiscious” fire that destroyed the lobby part of the building…..

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on January 9, 2006 at 9:21 am

I was reading today’s posting of the news item about a fire in the Yeadon Theater in PA and was delighted to learn that the Yeadon was saved from redevelopment after demolition had already begun and the rear wall had been taken down! I think that gives us some cause to maintain hope that something can be done about the Keith’s. Now, I’m sure dealing with the bureaucracy in NYC will be a great deal more dificult than it was in Yeadon, PA… but the story should serve as some inspiration never the less.

NativeForestHiller on January 7, 2006 at 1:55 am

Thank you for the encouragement & your support, M Horner! I found some photos of the theater in its glory days. It can be accessed as follows: View link

We are the community, & we want the RKO Keith’s Theatre RESTORED in its entirety!!!!! Everyone, please spread the word, & sign our petition.

HornerJack on January 7, 2006 at 12:11 am

I have never seen this theater, but the passion of this thread makes me believe that it is something very special. Best of luck to you fighting to save it.

Jeffrey1955 on January 5, 2006 at 7:25 pm

It’s a shame. Does Ms. Srinivajan understand that the Keith’s could have become a haven for Bollywood? (Or even live dancing, following the Loew’s Paradise model.) I think it’s another example of someone who needs to be educated.

judithblumenthal on January 5, 2006 at 7:02 pm

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over this description of Meenakshi Srinivajan. The photo was certainly a surprise. I know many people in show biz who also must actually support themselves with their business skills. Including me. But I don’t look that good. Did she design that awful new building? My feeling is that the political insiders are most responsible for the proposed further destruction of the RKO Keith. I think it started before she was born! Keep digging. Francesca

TomStathes on January 5, 2006 at 12:46 pm

Let’s keep the race disagreements out of this fight to preserve the Keith’s. Whether a portion of the local community is apathetic about it does not make a difference in light of needing to save this building. Let’s be as optimistic as possible, since anything is possible. I’d also like to have a rally scheduled ASAP if possible.

judithblumenthal on January 5, 2006 at 11:07 am

Re: Jeffrey1944 response.

I did agree with Warren and all the rest of the RKO Keith supporters that the Board of so-called Standards and useless-Appeals made an awful decision and that Ms. Srinivasan showed bad judgement about this tasteless design.

I just don’t like using nationality or gender as an excuse for an attack. Francesca Blumenthal

Jeffrey1955 on January 5, 2006 at 7:44 am
By the way, who is George Bush and what were his credentials to run for President of the U.S.A?

At first I thought you were disagreeing with Warren — but now you seem to have made his point!