Loew's Jersey Theatre

54 Journal Square,
Jersey City, NJ 07306

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bruceanthony on July 30, 2005 at 12:37 pm

Here is a list of the top grossing films of 1969

1 The Love Bug
2 Funny Girl
3 Bulitt
4 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
5 Romeo and Juliet
6 True Grit
7 Midnight Cowboy
8 Oliver
9 Goodbye, Columbus
10 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Note how the Old Hollywood met the New Hollywood in film releases

Vito on July 30, 2005 at 11:53 am

Good job Brucec, I know today’s miserable excuse for movies cannot compare to the great ones of years gone by, but to see all those magnificent films listed just about sums up what all of us true movie lovers have all come to agree upon, they sure don’t make em like they used to.

bruceanthony on July 30, 2005 at 11:10 am

Here is a list of top grossing films in 1959

1 Auntie Mame
2 The Shaggy Dog
3 Some Like it Hot
4 Pillow Talk
5 Imitation of Life
6 The Nun’s Story
7 Anatomy of a Murder
8 North By Northwest
9 Sleeping Beauty
10 Rio Bravo

Note that in 1959 that female stars had top billing in five of the top grossing films Rosaland Russell,Marilyn Monroe,Doris Day,Lana Turner and Audrey Hepburn. In the modern era men dominated the top grossing films. Note “Ben Hur” released in 1959 did most of its business in 1960 and 1961.brucec

bruceanthony on July 30, 2005 at 11:07 am

Here is a list of top grossing films in 1959

1 Auntie Mame
2 The Shaggy Dog
3 Some Like it Hot
4 Pillow Talk
5 Imitation of Life
6 The Nun’s Story
7 Anatomy of a Murder
8 North By Northwest
9 Sleeping Beauty
10 Rio Bravo

Note that in 1959 that female stars had top billing in five of the top grossing films Rosaland Russell,Marilyn Monroe,Doris Day,Lana Turner and Audrey Hepburn. In the modern era men dominated the top grossing films. Note “Ben Hur” released in 1959 did most of its business in 1960 and 1961.brucec

bruceanthony on July 30, 2005 at 10:49 am

Here is a list of the top grossing films of 1949

1 Jolson Sings Again
2 Pinky
3 I Was A Male Warbride
4 The Snake Pit
5 Joan of Arc
6 The Stratton Story
7 Mr. Belvedere
8 Little Women
9 Words and Music
10Neptune’s Daughter

A Decade later brucec

bruceanthony on July 30, 2005 at 10:43 am

Here is a list of the time grossing films of 1939

1 Gone With The Wind
2 Babes in Arms
3 Drums Along the Mohawk
4 The Hunchback of Notre Dame
5 Jesse James
6 Mr. Smithe Goes to Washington
7 Stagecaoch
8 The old Maid
9 The Rains Came
10The Wizard Of Oz

They also released about 500 films in 1939.brucec

Theaterat on July 30, 2005 at 7:52 am

Jim … Excellent! What else can we expect when God has become a controversial subject, and sleaze and morally bankrupt “trash TV'shows like Jerry Springer, Rikki Lake, and so called reality shows featuring disfunctional people airing their dirty laundry dominate todays "entertainment” scene?I am not exactly on the so called Religious Right- but enough is enough already! Maybe I1m old fashioned. but if this is what I am forced to watch, I1d rather read a good book, wspend time with family or friends, or engage in a hobby. And you are so right about money being an all consuming god. Unfortunately, the pursuit of the almighty dollar is what is driving most of todays movies.And yes,I stand by my word- most of todays movies are abysmal at best.

evmovieguy on July 29, 2005 at 2:53 pm

For Jim,

Here’s another comparison-

Top grossing films 1948 (I could only find top 5):
The Red Shoes
The Road to Rio
Easter Parade
Red River
The Three Musketeers

Top grossing films 1968:
The Graduate
Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner
Gone With the Wind (re-release)
Bonnie & Clyde
Valley of the Dolls
The Odd Couple
Planet of the Apes
Rosemary’s Baby
The Jungle Book
Yours, Mine, Ours

I haven’t seen any of the 1948 films so I can’t judge, but I have seen most of the ‘68 films, which at first glance of that list ain’t too shabby at all. Compare that one to 2004!

What would a fictitious top grossing list for 2024 look like? Number one would probably be a feature starring the offspring of Britney Spears followed by a feature starring Paris Hilton in her 3rd Academy Award nominated performance.

evmovieguy on July 29, 2005 at 12:08 pm

Jim-your point about the films reflecting the morals of today’s audiences is well taken. The films that people go out and see and give their money to truly the reflect the culture at large. I think that is one of the most important aspects of film as history.

I haven’t looked at what the top films were of the 40s. I’m sure you’re right, they probably are great films. I’m not so quick to bash the filmmakers of the 1960s and early 70s though. That was a fertile period for some great films when alot of the old guard at the studios were at a loss for their next move and handed over creative control to alot of the up and coming filmmakers of the time like Coppola, Scorcese, Lucas, Dennis Hopper, etc. See the book ‘Easy Riders, Raging Bulls’.

The begining of the end with conglomorates gaining steam for me would be the mid-70s with ‘Jaws’. Although ‘Jaws’ is a great film it certainly was the first of the so-called Summer Blockbusters that paved the way, giving studios ‘creative license’ to make their product worse not better.

JimRankin on July 29, 2005 at 11:22 am

The decay of films described in earlier posts is certainly true, and it has been accelerating ever since the major studos were bought by the conglomerates in the 1970s. And while the studio system did whitewash the often scadalous behaviour of the ‘stars’, it did not originate for that purpose. It originated as a way for the man who found it to make the greatest profit while still making a name for himself as a producer of quality entertainment. The long and the short of it is that there were ‘some’ morals back before the Vietnam war, but after that there were absolutely none, save the overriding greed of the conglomerates to make MONEY and more MONEY, and did I forget to mention MONEY? To them, nothing else at all matters; that is what a conglomerate is for. They wouldn’t know or care what ‘art’ was if it came up and bit them! Since they are the product of a society with no morals (and how can one have true morals without an ACCURATE knowledge of God?!!) and the people who watch the films have, for the most part, no real morals, why should we expect quality films? Each conglomerate has a committee of financial and marketing types who meet to consider each new film idea and then pass or fail it solely on its potential to make MONEY, their god.

Irv’s list of films from 1970 appears better only in comparison to the dreck of 2004, and if compared to most any list from, say, the 1940s, those of 1970 would appear amoral at best, though far more glitzy. We have mostly dug ourselves into this pit, and there is no real way to dig ourselves out unless we were to (gasp!) renounce MONEY as the real god of our society. I suggest that we do NOT hold our collective breath until that happens! If the JERSEY or any other theatre is to survive, it cannot be on the silver screen offal that the conglomerates shovel at us via disrobed actors spouting inane “relevancies” as they engage in sex, soot-em-ups, sex, car chases, sex, and special effects mayhem. For those with morals, cling to them, for the Hollywood conglomerates are intent upon stripping you of them (along with the cash in your wallet).

Bill Huelbig
Bill Huelbig on July 29, 2005 at 10:42 am

Robert: Here are two earlier posts concerning the air conditioning:

RE the air conditioning… the Jersey DOES have air, but it doesn`t work too good. It was on Sat 6-4 for Tron and Star Trek II and while it was cool, it just isnt strong enough to cool the entire theater, especially on a hot and humid day {or in this case, a night}.
posted by Theaterat on Jun 6, 2005 at 11:17am

That’s not air conditioning. It’s the return air system which just moves the air around the building. The AC system is in terrible shape and is going to require MAJOR funds to repair.
posted by Bob Furmanek on Jun 6, 2005 at 11:20am

evmovieguy on July 29, 2005 at 10:39 am

Brian-I agree with youon a certain level about box office grosses. True, the top films aren’t always classics. Same goes for the Oscar (Whoopi Goldberg, best supporting actress for ‘Ghost’?….What??!!) I guess the point I was making more specifically was that films coming out of Hollywood 35 years ago not only had more depth, they were accepted and consumed by the GENERAL public. People were still interested in movies that said….‘something’! Could you see a film like ‘Bob, Carol, Ted, and Alice’ making that kind of buzz in today’s market? Or even a film that was a quasi-anti Vietnam statement like ‘MASH’? It’s not the same today. I can’t see much argument in the fact that today’s movie making and movie going is definitely dumbed-down, and it’s probably going to continue that way.

Broan on July 29, 2005 at 10:25 am

Box office grosses do not tell the whole story; all that says is that good films do not always gross the highest. The industry has changed. There are certainly many great films being made, they just do not recieve the same kind of box office recognition. Theaterat says “Movie stars had CLASS”. But hearing the real stories of their lives bears out the facts otherwise. The studio system was in place to censor their behavior. It was set up to create the illusion of class. The magazines always did their best to glamourize. It’s changed; now we hear all about indiscretions.

RobertR on July 29, 2005 at 10:23 am

What happened to the air conditioners in the Jersey City?

Theaterat on July 29, 2005 at 10:18 am

Irv… Could not agree with you more.Maybe I AM a crotchetty middle age guy, but as a lifelong moviegoer, the product kind of speaks for itself. Want some Prozac? Betcha its better than the Kool-Aid!

Theaterat on July 29, 2005 at 10:09 am

Vincemt.. I agree. War is wrong and should be avoided if possible. I did not support the Vietnam war, but by the same token, I would never do anything to dishonor my country. Jane Fonda simply cannot be forgiven by posing on that anti aircraft cannon with Viet Cong soldiers. That is treason, pure and simple. She should thank God that she was never tried for sedition.God bless America?

evmovieguy on July 29, 2005 at 10:00 am

Will Dunklin (your full name…wow, how cool!)

Your statement sums up alot of what is wrong with society today, that being if you make a comment that disagrees with the status quo, you must be crazy. Forget Prozac, you need to be DE-programmed my friend.

Look, let’s not kid ourselves here. The product Hollywood churns out these days by-and-large DOES suck. Sure, you’ve got a ‘Lord of the Rings’ here and there, but ‘cmon. Vincent, movies are as good today as they’ve ever been? What kool-aid are you drinkin’? We’ve got at least a half-dozen remakes out there on the market today. Not to mention a Deuce Bigalow sequel (figure that one out). You’re telling me that’s as good as it’s ever been?

Here are the top grossing films for 1970

Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice
Hello, Dolly!
Cactus Flower
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
The Reivers

Here are the top grossing films for 2004

Shrek 2
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Spider-Man 2
The Incredibles
The Passion of the Christ
The Day After Tomorrow
Meet the Fockers
Ocean’s Twelve
I, Robot

Can’t wait to see the top grossers of ‘05. 'Dukes of Hazzard’ number one perhaps?

Theaterat on July 29, 2005 at 7:59 am

Posted for Phil Phil by Theaterat… In the past, most movie stars had CLASS and it showed on and off the screen.And yes, for the most part yesterdays films were far superior to todays offerings. Sorry, but good special effects ans surround should not be the stars of a film. We should have characters we can care about- that is what makes a movie worth seeing- and talking about. Ten or twenty years down the road, what films from the early 21th century will be truly memorable?Truth of the matter is we have become so jaded due to the FX that too many people are going to these films for this reason alone.Posted by Theaterat for PhilPhil

Mike (saps)
Mike (saps) on July 28, 2005 at 1:07 pm

Um, sarcasm is sometimes lost in translation.

Will Dunklin
Will Dunklin on July 28, 2005 at 12:31 pm

Dear Theaterat: I do hope for the best and hope you will talk to your doctor about Prozac.

Mellowly yours and posting my full name
Will Dunklin
Knoxville Tennessee

VincentParisi on July 28, 2005 at 11:39 am

Movies today are as good as they ever were and anybody who doesn’t think so should just stay home and count their DVDs.
And nobody better dare criticize War of the Worlds and its great director who makes wonderful, heartdriven, literate, consumately masterful films. As voted on this website he is the second greatest director ever!
And that Tom Cruise! Did Gary Cooper or Jimmy Cagney ever care about post partum depression or hyperactive children? And did they ever publically jump up and down on a couch about it? Movie stars back then didn’t care about issues. Only the size and placement of their billing!!
Did Irene Dunne ever cut up with the Vietcong? Thank God we live in a world with Jane Fonda who wants to tell people that war is wrong!

Theaterat on July 28, 2005 at 10:51 am

Vito Bill H,,, To quote Dennis Miller- I don1t want get off on a rant- but 98 percent of todays movies are GARBAGE! They have been dumdrd down to the point of being moronic, and creativity simply just does not exist anymore. I WOULD Not go to see “Bewitched”, “Dukes of Hazzard” “The Honeymooners” “The Bad News Bears” or the upcoming “Green Acres” even if I were given a free pass AND be allowed to smoke in the theater! When Hollywood gives is these constant TV into Films, needless sequels, and atrocious re makes of films that were mediocre at best, it is time to question the product. Also. I am SICK AND TIRED of people like TOM CRUISE and other no talents foisting their political and religious beliefs down our troaths. Nobody really gives a hoot, and those who fawn over these highly paid celebrities are just as vapid and brain dead as the so- called movies that they pass off as ‘entertainment" today.If more adults-and intelligent younger viewers would boycott these products, maybe Hollywood would get the message. The backlash is starting to show at the box office and if it continues, maybe things will change. I hope for the best- do you?

Theaterat on July 28, 2005 at 10:45 am

Vito Bill H,,, To quote Dennis Miller- I don1t want get off on a rant- but 98 percent of todays movies are GARBAGE! They have been dumdrd down to the point of being moronic, and creativity simply just does not exist anymore. I WOULD Not go to see “Bewitched”, “Dukes of Hazzard” “The Honeymooners” “The Bad News Bears” or the upcoming “Green Acres” even if I were given a free pass AND be allowed to smoke in the theater! When Hollywood gives is these constant TV into Films, needless sequels, and atrocious re makes of films that were mediocre at best, it is time to question the product. Also. I am SICK AND TIRED of people like TOM CRUISE and other no talents foisting their political and religious beliefs down our troaths. Nobody really gives a hoot, and those who fawn over these highly paid celebrities are just as vapid and brain dead as the so- called movies that they pass off as ‘entertainment" today.If more adults-and intelligent younger viewers would boycott these products, maybe Hollywood would get the message. The backlash is starting to show at the box office and if it continues, maybe things will change. I hope for the best- do you?