Comments from PeterKoch

Showing 1,151 - 1,175 of 1,492 comments

PeterKoch commented about Majestic Theater on Sep 10, 2004 at 2:02 pm

Is it possible to contact the firm (or its descendent, if it has one ?) that designed and built both theaters, to ask them this question ?

PeterKoch commented about Parthenon Theatre on Sep 9, 2004 at 4:30 pm

I don’t know. I went by the building thousands of times, but only remember going inside a few times in 1961 and 1962 during school lunch period, when it was a bowling alley. I think it was called “Parthenon Lanes”. I don’t think it lasted long either.

PeterKoch commented about Parthenon Theatre on Sep 9, 2004 at 4:15 pm

Agreed. There had to have been some time, after the movie you saw in 1959, and before the bowling alley was there in 1961, when the building was closed for renovations, no movies were shown there any longer, and the building was being renovated into a bowling alley.

You never would have been off my Christmas card list, had I had one to begin with.

PeterKoch commented about Parthenon Theatre on Sep 9, 2004 at 2:58 pm

OK, lostmemory, understood. I misread your comment. Thanks for your explanation. It all makes sense now.

PeterKoch commented about Parthenon Theatre on Sep 9, 2004 at 2:36 pm

By the start of school (first grade for me) in September 1961, the Parthenon was already a bowling alley.

“Apparently I never saw Space Angel” ? I most certainly did, as I wrote in an earlier comment ! The Space Angel’s name was Scott McCloud, his ship was the Starduster (I drew it for my son this past January 30th), another character was named Professor Mace, and there was an out-of-control, non-Earth space vehicle named “Big Nasty” that had to be destroyed, similar to the 1958 film, “The Lost Missile”.

PeterKoch commented about Parthenon Theatre on Sep 9, 2004 at 1:01 pm

I’m also reminded of two cartoons I saw as a kid, in which actors' filmed moving mouths were inserted into the faces of the cartoon characters. One was “Clutch Cargo”, the other was “The Space Angel”.
As you are about eight years my senior, your memory of this may be clearer and more complete than mine.

PeterKoch commented about Parthenon Theatre on Sep 9, 2004 at 12:29 pm

It’s only an educated guess, but I would say at the Ridgewood or RKO Madison, instead of the Parthenon. I have this vague recollection from when I was about four or five of a Madison Theater poster showing two mythical heroes fighting, one with a whip of chains, the other, with a mace.

PeterKoch commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 9, 2004 at 10:30 am

Bob D., it’s good to have you back. Thanks for mentioning the article about theaters in the current issue of BLOCK Magazine. Is there a way to get to it on-line (perhaps you can post a link ?)or will you be scanning it, and posting some of it, or a link to it, here ? Yet more thanks, if you plan to.

So the Ridgewood is “a contender for the second longest running cinema in the hemisphere” ? What is the longest-running cinema in the [Western] hemisphere ?

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 7, 2004 at 5:33 pm

The sky is blue because it is the blue wavelength of light that is most readily diffracted by either the gas molecules or the dust particles in the Earth’s atmosphere, during most of the day.

Chickens can’t fly because they don’t need to. That’s the way God made ‘em.

Two Montauk theaters … why not ? Remember the two Brooklyn Casino Theaters. Are you sure you’re the last to know of the two Montauk Theaters ?

PeterKoch commented about Avenue U Theatre on Sep 7, 2004 at 5:28 pm

Thanks, RobertR, for mentioning this. I remember the Chopin in Greenpoint.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 7, 2004 at 5:12 pm

Good. You should. Fast Eddie and RidgewoodBill have big mouths and big egos. You don’t. The only stupid question is the one that is never asked.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 7, 2004 at 4:53 pm

In any true science, or search for knowledge, each answer leads to ten new questions.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 7, 2004 at 4:42 pm

Thanks. I see the Gotham Theater is mentioned in his obit.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 7, 2004 at 4:36 pm

Are you in that bad a condition, or just joking ? The latter, I hope !

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 7, 2004 at 4:28 pm

Yes, but don’t they all eventually crumble (get solved) under enough effort ?

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 7, 2004 at 4:22 pm

Thanks, I like it too. I checked my Cinema Tour listing of Brooklyn, and did not see a Novelty Theater.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 7, 2004 at 4:12 pm

What boro was it in, lostmemory ?

PeterKoch commented about Glenwood Theatre on Sep 7, 2004 at 10:18 am

Thank you, BobbyC, for all this detailed info on a theater in my home neighborhood, yet way before my time : “so near, yet so far”.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 3, 2004 at 5:15 pm

lostmemory, I think Kreuscher’s arcade was on the southeast corner of Myrtle Avenue and Cornelia Street, where the Rainbow Shops, vitamin store, lingerie store, and E & J Card and Gift are now.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 3, 2004 at 4:37 pm

By your definition, it is.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 3, 2004 at 4:11 pm

Perhaps it was like the late 19th century Victorian London “cinematograph” in the 1992 film, “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 3, 2004 at 3:56 pm

Then he couldn’t budge you from this site for one second.

Good one, lostmemory !

Imagine a derelict, non-functioning movie theater, but which still has seats, and where people go, not to see movies, but to talk about the movies they saw there when the theater DID show movies !

Sort of like the RKO Madison and Ridgewood Theater pages on this site !

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 3, 2004 at 3:47 pm

Eddie’s the webmaster(shudder) ?

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 3, 2004 at 3:36 pm

Why not ? Try it and see what feedback you get.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Sep 3, 2004 at 3:24 pm

And perhaps there should have been at least one porno theater named the Priapathon !