Loew's Jersey Theatre

54 Journal Square,
Jersey City, NJ 07306

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Bill Huelbig
Bill Huelbig on October 11, 2005 at 3:14 am

Thanks Robert R.: I saw “Ben-Hur” at the Loew’s during that engagement (I was 6) but I couldn’t remember the exact month.

RobertR on October 10, 2005 at 4:18 pm

July 1961 a special 2 a day showing of “Ben Hur"
View link

umbaba on October 1, 2005 at 5:11 am

Thanks for the advice…but, I’ve been to the Stanley during the WWII festival and I could only hang in a coffee shop or diner for so long. There’s always a bar, but then with a 2 hour layover I’d be too drunk to get off the stool, and being in Jersey City at night is not an enticement….but, guess that’s my problem

VincentParisi on September 26, 2005 at 7:01 am

I love the original Pink Panther(Sellers, Niven, Capucine, Cardinale!!!)and would love to see it at the Loew’s. Horse Feathers is bliss with a very beautiful and funny Thelma Todd. They sure as hell don’t make women like that anymore.)

Theaterat on September 25, 2005 at 9:40 am

Bruce C… or the more serious side of Blake Edwards with “The Days OF Wine and Roses"and a dramatic role for Jack Lemmon in "Save The Tiger”.

bruceanthony on September 24, 2005 at 9:59 pm

“The Great Race” would also make a good double bill with “The Pink Panther”, both films were directed by Blake Edwards.brucec

Theaterat on September 24, 2005 at 9:16 am

Rhett…Jim Rankin is right. Try to check the Stanley wich is right across the street. You will be impressed.The “Great Race” and “The Odd Couple” would be a teriffic double feature- 2 over the top Jack Lemmon performances- especially in the “Great Race”. The 2 hour layover between shows may seem long, but at least you can really explore the Jersey in dept.There are also a few good stores nearby, and a nice coffee shop right across the street. There are also outdoor benches where you can sit that will give you a great view of the theater. Though i am not a great Marx Bros fan, D “DR, Strangelove” is one of my all time favorites.So many great lines! And no matter how many times I have seen it, Slim Picken`s ride on that nuclear bomd just blows me away.

JimRankin on September 24, 2005 at 5:17 am

We all have our movie preferences, rhett, but it was gracious of you to acknowledge the work of the FOL at the end. If you are that worried about ‘hanging out in Jersey City,’ why not go across the street to wait it out at the former STANLEY, now an assembly hall of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. On non-assembly times, they give free tours of this remarkable former movie palace, now largely restored? If your visit is during an assembly, just walk in peacefully and no one will notice you or bother you (they NEVER take up money collections). You could give yourself your own tour of the place then, though they will not have the blue ‘sky’ lights on in the auditorium, of course, since they use white lights then in order to read their Bibles. Who knows? You might even find their talks beneficial. There are almost 4000 seats in there, so it shouldn’t be hard to find a comfortable place to sit and wait.

umbaba on September 24, 2005 at 5:02 am

Little disapointing…me personally, I’d consider seeing “Horse Feathers” but there’s a 2 hour plus wait before the next show….that’s too long to hang out in Jersey City…which is not the greatest place to travel too….why doesn’t the Loew’s conduct their film festivals in kind of a marathon scenario…leave a little time between shows…it seems that the “fans” would stay for multiple feature if there wasn’t so much lag time between shows…also, everyone and their brother shows “Dr. Strangelove”… there are more better big screen comedies to show…how bout “Great Race” “Odd Couple”…they’d look great on the Loews big screen….I’ll have to sit this one out

Apologies for the complaining…the Loews is a great theater and the people who run it are doing a great job….thank you for your concern to the moviegoing experience

VincentParisi on September 20, 2005 at 7:06 am

Upcoming comedy weekend now posted on website.

Theaterat on September 3, 2005 at 4:49 pm

Anybody care to kick off the latest group of entries to be posted about the Jersey and the events scheduled to take place? it1s Labor Day weekend- one of the slowest weekends for filmgoing.The Jersey will be re-opening soon, and I would like to know what will be coming up.

Theaterat on August 8, 2005 at 7:39 pm

If the big money people and Hollywood start to release films direct to DVD asnd the !plexes started to close,would anybody care about preserving them?This probebly be the wave of the very near future as long as Hollywood keeps on turning out these “winners” that pass for movies these days. Who in their right minds would pay almost ten bucks to see “the Dukes of Hazzard” or the upcoming sequel to “Deuce Bigelow” These duds SHOULD have bypassed the theaters and should have been released straight to DVD in the 1st. place.

uncleal923 on August 4, 2005 at 7:14 am

In a sense they lacked something, but shopping mall theaters did have some decorum. Especially the theaters from the 1950s and 1960s. These, however, lacked decoration when compared to theaters of the 1920s.

JimRankin on August 4, 2005 at 5:58 am

Vincent, don’t hold your breath waiting for anyone to “fight to keep them from being torn down.” While most people can empathize with a movie palace whose decor they appreciated, very few non-theatres buffs appreciate the much more uninspired ‘decors’ of the multiplexes, and regard them as merely the outgrowths of a shopping mall, with rare exceptions. And like you, I believe it is only a matter of time before the conglomerates pull their money out of the cinemas and put it into the pay-per-view, direct-feed-to-the-viewer services. As soon as they can eliminate all but a few showcase cinemas, they will get more money by eliminating the middle man, the cinemas the do not own.

VincentParisi on August 3, 2005 at 12:56 pm

Well if they do go ahead with it it will eventually mean the end of the multiplex sooner rather than later and then we can have more middle income housing.
I wonder if people will fight to keep them from being torn down.

PeterApruzzese on August 3, 2005 at 9:50 am

That’s been floated from time to time. The latest proponent of it is Mark Cuban, who owns the Landmark Theatres chain well as High Def satellite services and other things. It’s a foolish idea and most likely won’t happen with mainstream films, but for some of the lower-level art films it might happen.

VincentParisi on August 3, 2005 at 9:44 am

Has anybody heard anything about film producers who are now talking about releasing films simultaneously in theaters, on DVD and/or Pay Per View? Saw this on a theater chat line.

VincentParisi on August 3, 2005 at 5:04 am

Well RobertR you certainly have catholic tastes.

RobertR on August 2, 2005 at 7:10 pm

I would love to see a double bill of Grease and Saturday Night Fever.

Dr. Zhivago

Farewell to Arms (Rock & Jennifer version)

evmovieguy on August 2, 2005 at 5:59 pm

Here’s my two cents on a possible program schedule for the Loews Jersey in the upcoming season. Do a weekend of all classic Rock and Roll films. Like:

‘Help!’ and/or ‘Hard Day’s Night’-Beatles

‘The Girl Can’t Help It’-Jayne Mansfield, Tom Ewell w/Little Richard, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran, etc.

‘Loving You’ Elvis Presley (his first color film. ‘Jailhouse Rock’ might be a more obvious choice, but Loews Jersey showed that last season)

Another good choice might be ‘Mr. Rock and Roll’ with Alan Freed

Hey Loews Jersey staff…are you listening? Check it out. Let’s rock out at the Loews Jersey!!!

Theaterat on August 2, 2005 at 5:41 pm

Or how about “Mutiny on the Bounty” with Gable and Laughton and “The Caine Mutiny” with Bogart. I like sea adventures.