AMC Rockaway 16

363 Mount Hope Avenue,
Rockaway, NJ 07866

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moviebuff82 on June 19, 2010 at 2:50 pm

Yesterday, Toy Story 3 broke a box office record for opening day of a Pixar film…$40 million. I hope it makes $100+ million based on good word of mouth, ensuring a lengthy run in theatres. As for that other big movie I’m looking forward to, Inception, some of it was shot in 4k.

moviebuff82 on June 18, 2010 at 9:05 pm

according to Dolby’s website, Dolby Surround 7.1 is not at this theater. Hopefully they’ll update the sound systems as the digital conversion becomes reality in the fall for the rest of the screens.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on June 18, 2010 at 3:11 am

Thanks guys I will try not to interfer with you guys too much,because i know you guys are into the new stuff and that’s great.I remember the old projectionist cussin' when Sensurround was running.Now that i think about,I am sounding more like old Bill,that is scary.

John Fink
John Fink on June 18, 2010 at 12:16 am

I haven’t seen it (felt it?) in action but some multiplexes have DBOX (as opposed to D-Bags which there’s no shortage of anywhere) seats for action films: where you can feel the action! (Not sure if that’s a good thing). I might try to find an excuse to visit the Cineplex Queensway outside of Toronto for the experience.

JJD on June 17, 2010 at 11:37 pm

Mike, I’d go after them and get that money they owe you (with interest)(ha). I saw every one of those Sensurround movies you mentioned. It was “fun” but experiencing it once or twice was enough. That technology is good for theme parks as part of their “4D” effects (vibrating seats, spraying water or air in your face, etc.) but could you imagine having to listen to those speakers from the adjacent auditoriums in today’s multiplexes? Today’s speakers are quite effective themselves when cranked up.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on June 17, 2010 at 10:16 pm

You make a great point and one i never thought about,when i hit 40 i got reading glasses and never thought about it.What guess i was saying i was in the business when Senssround came out of Universal with “EarthQuake” and when the earthquake hit those big bass speakers shook the old Imperial theatre and I Guess it helped. when “MIDWAY” came out it to played in Sensround,but the movie was good enough not really needed to crank it up when the airplanes were starting up,but they did.Time “Rollercoster” came out it played at another theatre in town without the Sesuround and I thought the movie was good by itself without the silly sound effects.“Battlestar Gallatica” was also released in Senssround,but here I don’t think had the real set up like the Imperial Did.You know we helped Universal drag those large speakers in in the balcony and in front of the screen in 1974 or 1976 for $15.00 bucks an hour and you know those bums never paid us.

JJD on June 17, 2010 at 2:07 am

That’s my cue, Mike, so here I go…

Good news! You DON’T have to sit through a two-hour movie wearing glasses. I assume you don’t wear prescription glasses. Otherwise, you ARE sitting through a two-hour movie wearing glasses. The point I’m trying to make is that people will wear prescription glasses, sun glasses, goggles on the job, goggles while skiing, swimming, etc. and not complain. Yet, when it comes to a 3D movie, suddenly the glasses become a big problem. So, don’t go to a 3D movie! No one’s forcing you to. See the 2D version.

3D is no more glitter than sound or color were in their day. It’s just another technological enhancement. It was never meant to improve the story, only to bring us closer to the realism of everyday life. Assuming no disabilities, we don’t go through life reading subtitles…we hear stuff. We also see in color and what we see has depth. See my point?

Unfortunately, studios will exploit 3D’s success by adding it simply to make an extra buck. Not all movies need 3D; not all movies needed color. Black and white has been very effective for certain genres of film. Sound is a different story. Unless we want to go back to live organ music, it’s nice to hear the actor’s words and the music soundtrack.

Thanks for the opportunity to, once again, defend 3D.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on June 17, 2010 at 1:28 am

I saw some 3-D movies while at Universal Studios and quite frankly it was a good experience,but I wouldn’t want to sit wearing glasses through a two hour movie Can’t we just enjoy a simple movie without all the glitter,Is it Glitter because lack of story telling?

Just wondering.

moviebuff82 on June 16, 2010 at 11:59 pm

Speaking of TS3, RealD will provide smaller 3D glasses for children who attend the movie with their parents who will wear the normal glasses. This is good news since younger kids might have a hard time seeing a 3D image with the big glasses over their small eyes. What’s next…3D contact lenses? LOL. I hope Toy Story 3 brings families, teens, and adults back into the movies after a bad May this year. After the movie, Toy Story fans will buy Toy Story merchandise at the Disney store at the mall as well as other places that sell Toy Story stuff.

moviebuff82 on June 16, 2010 at 11:37 am

any word on if any of the digital screens have been upgraded to 7.1 for Toy Story 3 this coming weekend? I know most of the screens at this theater have Dolby EX since it first opened.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on June 15, 2010 at 10:24 pm

Just popping in to see what is going on at AMC.

moviebuff82 on June 15, 2010 at 10:14 pm

Only days away from Toy Story 3, which will dethrone the Karate Kid from the box office even though the remake of the 1984 film has gotten great reviews and even packed a house full of martial arts students from a local club at one showing. I can’t stand these remakes and sequels, I’m waiting for something original, like Inception. Slimshady, I know that essex green is the closest theater to go all digital, hopefully this one and its smaller non-stadium seating brother in East Hanover get the 4ks.

larry on June 11, 2010 at 6:43 pm


Saw Avitar and thought it was great (so was the 3d)

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on June 10, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Way to go JJD, you would have made great theatre manager,because like this old theatre dawg; i was always concerned about what was on the screen and how to make moviegoing great for our paying customers who in the 70’s thought 3.00 a seat was too high.

JJD on June 10, 2010 at 10:39 pm

You guys are funny. Tell me, what the heck are we supposed to discuss on this site? I thought it was all about what’s playing, theater upgrades, new technology, ticket prices, concession stand food (just kidding). Let’s face it, 3D is currently hot and getting hotter (3DTV). Admittedly, some of the posts regarding what’s on each screen can be found elsewhere but, again, what else is there to talk about? I think once Rockaway goes all digital and 3D becomes even more commonplace, things will calm down. In the meantime, stay tuned to the “Further Adventures at AMC”. It beats anything on TV these days.

larry2, welcome back but it sounds like sour grapes over 3D’s success. Did you ever get to see Avatar? If so, what did you think?

And, Mike, I don’t and never have worked for AMC. I’m just your average “no lifer”.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on June 10, 2010 at 9:39 pm

Larry 2.I sorta thought that way too or these guys are more hardcore theatre employee than I ever was.Heck, I sorta enjoy keeping up with the Adventures at AMC.Beats CNN.

larry on June 10, 2010 at 9:17 pm

why are you people so concerned with what is or not playing in 3D in the AMC theater? Need to get a life!

moviebuff82 on June 8, 2010 at 9:45 pm

Karate Kid will be showing in digital on two screens while Shrek Forever After will be in 3D on one screen and in liemax.

moviebuff82 on June 6, 2010 at 9:46 pm

It’s already June, so three more months until Rockaway no longer shows 35mm film in 13 of its 16 screens.

JJD on June 6, 2010 at 9:40 pm

Good question. He seems to be the only one with the inside track. I thought in his last post (April 5, 2010) he said “not before May..but yes before September” regarding remaining 4K.

moviebuff82 on June 6, 2010 at 9:20 pm

I haven’t heard anything from slimshady about rockaway getting digital screens. What’s up with that?

JJD on June 6, 2010 at 9:18 pm

I didn’t. I worked for AT&T. Mike assumed I worked for AMC.

moviebuff82 on June 6, 2010 at 9:12 pm

how long did you work at the old rockaway theater?

JJD on June 6, 2010 at 8:34 pm

I retired in ‘98. I turned 65 in January.