RKO Keith's Theatre

135-35 Northern Boulevard,
Flushing, NY 11354

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Bway on January 16, 2007 at 3:59 pm

If there is little water damage (because of the new roof from when it was a theater), it appears that all that plaster destruction was deliberate. Plaster usually doesn’t just fall off the walls in that extreme unless water damage is involved. For example, the interior of the Shore Theater in Coney Island lost a lot of plaster on it’s ceiling and procenium, but that’s because the theater’s roof was left unchecked for years, with water coming in.
The plaster in the Keiths looks like it was deliperately attecked and sledgehammered.

TomStathes on January 16, 2007 at 3:47 pm

I can answer some questions based on my recent visit with Mike.
asphoto: as far as i could tell, no holes in the floor
>This is not correct. Unless it has been filled in, there was a huge square cut into the auditorium floor descending into the basement. Rubble was partially pushed through this space.
mikemovies:Is there a hole in the roof
>No. Mike69 tells me a new roof was put on fairly recently before the closing, so the roof is pretty stable. However half of the whole plaster ceiling is missing, as are the two ornate plaster fixtures depicted in the blueprints. Apparently the ceiling is a “Drop” down from steel framework so it’s not a huge problem.

On a sidenote, the eastern and western walls are not in horrible shape. If anyone would like to see the pictures I took, please email me privately.

mikemorano on January 16, 2007 at 3:37 pm

Very cool photo’s. Is there a hole in the roof. The plaster appears to be crumbling from water damage. Lot’s of work and money to save this theatre. Very sad.

bazookadave on January 16, 2007 at 1:43 pm

asphoto those are exellent pictures. How did you get inside? Is the storefront still open?

Bway on January 16, 2007 at 1:34 pm

It’s amazing how through all the destruction and neglect, the draperies look almost the same as in Warren’s historic photo of the procenium:
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and today:

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Bway on January 16, 2007 at 1:30 pm

Yes, the draperies do appear to be still hanging amazingly. When looking at the photos of the procenium, and of the ornate plasterwork around the stairways, it looks like a lot of the plaster was deliberately sledgehammered.

What was the configuration of the theater when multiplexed? How was it cut up?

Jeffrey1955 on January 16, 2007 at 1:21 pm

Warren, I looked at that photo more closely as well. Are those blacked-out windows in the rear brick wall? Why were they ever put there in the first place?

bobosan on January 16, 2007 at 4:44 am

These photos are very poignant, and deserve wide circulation! I think you should offer them to a local newspaper so that people can see, and it might just generate some momentum for saving and restoring this grand theater!

asegreti on January 16, 2007 at 2:59 am

as far as i could tell, no holes in the floor…holes in the ceiling, yes… as for the walls…lots crumbling and lots plaster.

i hated to see it in this state…but i do think whats left is salvagable…

Jeffrey1955 on January 16, 2007 at 2:45 am

That IS the auditorium? But what about the ceiling — are there holes? Are there holes in the floor? Are there holes in the walls? Just because the seats are gone doesn’t mean it isn’t salvagable, especially if the structural integrity and remnants of the decorations are still there! I can’t wait to see the other pictures.

asegreti on January 16, 2007 at 2:13 am

actually, the photos that are currently posted on flickr are of the auditorium…there isn’t much left, all of the seats have been torn out, the floor appeared to be concrete…it was basically a big, dusty, empty room…very sad. i also have a few from the upper levels…at this point i am not sure how many turned out though, because it was so dark.

i will try my best to get more photos posted ASAP, and i will keep you posted!

Jeffrey1955 on January 16, 2007 at 12:13 am

asphoto, these are quite remarkable. They show that things are in bad shape — but still within the realm of possibility to restore.

But could you please explain HOW you got inside and took these photos? If you’ve been following this thread AT ALL, you’ll know that this has been discussed ad infinitum, especially in the last couple of months — and supposedly, the place was sealed as of the first of the new year. If you actually have shots taken inside the auditorium, a lot of folks are going to be quite agitated if they have to wait to see them!

asegreti on January 15, 2007 at 10:31 pm

what happened to this place is so sad…i managed to get some photographs of the current state of the inside of the theatre…it was the first time i was able to do this anywhere like this…if you are interested in taking a look: View link

more photos will be posted there in the coming weeks…

waynerlee on January 5, 2007 at 11:48 pm

The last movie I saw there was “Running Scared.” At first, I wanted to see “Top Gun,” but I was with my friend, Steve, and he already saw it. I also saw “The Never Ending Story,” as well as “The Return of the Jedi” at that theater. It was magical when you walked into that theater…and it was almost immediate, when the gorgeous fountain and the beautiful staircase leading up to the balcony grabbed hold of your attention.

If you want to see where the theater is on google map, type in the address: 135-33 Northern Blvd, Flushing, NY 11354 or 135-35 Northern Blvd, Flushing, NY 11354. This should place the arrow directly on top of it.

Bway on January 2, 2007 at 4:34 pm

What a shame, and to think it was once as beautiful as the Loews Paradise. Someone just posted a link to recent places of that place, and WOW it’s is awe inspiring!
Not to bring the mood down here, but just click on the Paradise link below and go to page 20, you will NOT be sorry! Now if only, if only, if only for the Keiths…..
View link

TomStathes on January 2, 2007 at 4:18 pm

I’ve wondered about that myself all these years. I assume it’s Fireman terminology like the square spray-painted in one of the boxes of the marquis. A box with and X inside means “Roof Open” (unstable roof) since this one has a solid square, I’m assuming the roof is safe. Mike69 tells me a new roof was put on fairly recently so that’s a good thing.

Jeffrey1955 on January 2, 2007 at 3:46 pm

In the second photo (KeithsFacade) you can see the words STEEL TRUSS ROOF spray painted on the ruined facade between the second and third floor windows. I wonder what that refers to?

bazookadave on January 2, 2007 at 2:28 pm

Here are the few exterior shots from Friday, December 29, 2006:

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Bway on December 31, 2006 at 9:47 am

And if Boymelgreen is going forward with the project, isn’t he legally allower to destroy everything but the lobby? Stupid….but true.

Ed Solero
Ed Solero on December 31, 2006 at 1:54 am

I would tend to doubt that they’d be stripping the landmarked areas or purposely damaging remaining ornamentation in these areas. I don’t think Boymelgreen is as underhanded and criminal as Huang was when he conducted his assault on the building’s interior during the ‘80’s. I observed a good deal of debris in the storefront that I was in a few weeks back… I imagine the materials being carted away were rubble from the demolition of interior walls within the retail spaces and perhaps from damage that had previously been inflicted during Huang’s reign of terror. Anyway… we have no true confirmation that Boymelgreen is, in fact, pulling out of the project… do we? Mike69’s conversation with that woman on the site is intriguing, but hardly definitive.

Jeffrey1955 on December 31, 2006 at 1:06 am

That is very ominous sounding, Dave. I certainly hope all they were doing was removing debris from the stores and not from the theater portion of the building. I’d hate to have the year end on that kind of note, especially when we were all getting so gung-ho about prospects for preservation.

bazookadave on December 30, 2006 at 3:13 pm

Yesterday I equipped myself with camera and flashlight and rode the 7 Train to Main Street, hoping to gain access to the interior of the RKO Keith’s through the open storefront. I found not one but three open storefronts, and a crew of mean-looking workmen filling a dumpster with wreckage from the interior of the theatre. They were using one of those miniature bulldozers. There was so much dust and grit flying around that it nearly choked me as I walked past the open storefronts, trying to appear casual as I peered inside. Nothing was visible beyond the big holes torn into the rear walls of the stores. The workmen were shouting and moving very fast and looked like they were stressing out big time…perhaps a deadline? I could not tell what debris was being carted out, it looked like big chunks of concrete and plaster. I hope Boymelgreen is not stripping the landmarked areas or damaging them out of spite. Instead of interior pictures I took a few exterior shots and left, as the work crew was eyeing me with suspicion!

Bway on December 30, 2006 at 9:47 am

YEs, the Valencia, although a Church is in good hands. It has been maintained beautifully, and while it’s interior painted colors are pretty guady, and not true to the original, at least it’s all still there, loved, and cared for….a lot more than we can say about the Keith’s!

NativeForestHiller on December 29, 2006 at 11:04 pm

Hi Luis! Thank you for pointing out the presently landmarked Valencia as a “Wonder Theater.” Queens deserves all it can get, especially since it’s a politicians' back alley (i.e. those who pretend to care about landmarks), as well as a developer’s paradise (those who score high on violations & illegal work). Let’s all chant & sing the praises of the… “RKO KEITH’S!!!” This theater is too good to be forgotten!

Luis Vazquez
Luis Vazquez on December 29, 2006 at 7:41 pm

I guess I’ll be the first to comment on the above….Queens does have a Wonder Theater! It is The Valencia in Jamiaca and it too is in very good hands. Though not a working theater it has been very well maintained. Queens is indeed big enough for 2 restored palaces!