Comments from vic1964

Showing 51 - 75 of 118 comments

vic1964 commented about Queen's Theatre on Nov 1, 2007 at 12:07 am

Hi Suwanti
Thank you for the effort you have put into this page!I found a video on youtube by Bey Logan about Bruce Lee where he sits in the balcony and speaks of Bruce Lee holding the premiere of WAY OF THE DRAGON at the Queen`s theatre.Is this the balcony which he sits in and is it very different from 1972?

vic1964 commented about Capitol Theatre on Oct 29, 2007 at 11:28 pm

The main point of the above posts is how a once great downtown lost most of the magic needed to be a real downtown.It was overseen by one man more than any other.He and many others have let London down!BIG TIME!

vic1964 commented about Garrick Centre on Oct 28, 2007 at 1:17 am

I just finished reading about the PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE run of 18 weeks at the Garrick 2!The film was a huge hit in Winnipeg but not the rest of the world.Check out the phantapalooza website!

vic1964 commented about Capitol Theatre on Oct 16, 2007 at 2:12 pm

London does need a new Performing Arts Centre; with affordable admission pricing so everyone may be able to enjoy the facility. While it seems less costly to revamp Centennial Hall the future cost to build a new centre would escalate. The time is now so we are no longer throwing good money after bad. In my opinion the centre should be located either in the downtown core or the Old East London area. These areas are looking for revitalization so why not erect a Performing Arts Centre in these areas to attract people and businesses.
POSTED BY: Eugene Dustin
performing arts Absolutely right but remember this is the city which allowed the demolition of its last downtown movie palace [the Capitol]without any regret,or sadness accept from a precious few real Londoners.This is after all previous theatres like the Loews and Odeon were wasted.Seating capacity at Loews 2000,Odeon 1800,Capitol 1400.
POSTED BY: victor liorentas

vic1964 commented about Capitol Theatre on Oct 15, 2007 at 8:35 pm

performing arts
Performing Arts Centre
Leaving aside the debate can we afford a Performing Arts Center. The question being asked by Tom Gosnell is, where should it go? Where should it be built? Possibly at Western?

But first, I certainly understand Tom Gosnell the fiscally wise budget chief’s desire to find a possible financial partner such UWO.

Tom you should take much pride being part of those that made excellent decision to re-focus the cities efforts with respect to the Downtown.

The millions spent in the past 10 years to build the JLC, Library and Covent Garden Market have proven their value to the City as a whole, and all are doing very well.

The Performing Arts Center would be another piece in the puzzle in the ever improving Downtown.

It’s not time to abandon the Core. The synergies of a performing Arts Center in the Core (Downtown) with current amenities make it the only sensible location.

Let’s remember that if UWO was to be a partner that would be wonderful, if they were partners in the Downtown.

UWO is already a great asset to the City and in the Downtown with its Campus at Galleria.

Let’s keep focusing on the core, the job of rejuvenating it is not finished.

I guess the real question should be can we afford not to build a Performing Arts Center in the Downtown if we truly want to be a world class city.

POSTED BY: Bob Usher, Chair London Downtown Business Association, London
POSTED ON: October 5, 2007
World class city? Dear Mr Usher I dont think Mr Gosnell had a thing to do with the JLC or Covent garden market but he did play a big part in building the Galleria mall which has been bad for downtown.He was happy to do nothing to save the Loews and Odeon as mayor in the late 80s.I recently visited the world famous Fox theatre in Detroit,5045 seat movie palace designed by architect C Howard Crane.Some staff i spoke to knew of London Ontario and the demolition of the Capitol because he was also the architect of our last downtown movie palace.When the curtain was falling on the Capitol, you went right along with it.It upset me because i was trying to save it.So it is difficult to have much sympathy for your fight of what is left of downtown but i do and i agree with you but for me downtown is forever lost.
POSTED BY: victor liorentas

vic1964 commented about 70mm World Premieres now listed in introductions of New York City movie palaces on Oct 15, 2007 at 7:31 pm

Just a heads up to everyone,youtube has a bunch of clips on cinerama,70mm,IMAX and 35mm.Some are quit good.

vic1964 commented about Unstable facade on historic Ohio Theatre! on Oct 14, 2007 at 7:45 pm

Is it just the facade that is unsafe or the building itself?

vic1964 commented about Chicago Theatre on Oct 12, 2007 at 9:09 pm

Cam!Truly amazing!

vic1964 commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 29, 2007 at 1:21 pm

Won Ton Ton, the Dog Who Saved Hollywood!It says RIN TIN TIN above,wrongly.Sorry.

vic1964 commented about Astor Theatre on Sep 18, 2007 at 5:10 pm

As a projectionist,this looks like a dream come true theatre to work at!I hope it continues with better success.The 70mm programming is very impressive!

vic1964 commented about Fox Theatre on Sep 17, 2007 at 4:52 pm

It was close to 4000!He had 3 other comedians from the Howard Stern show open for him and it was a great show.

vic1964 commented about Fox Theatre on Sep 17, 2007 at 4:24 pm

I went to the Fox to see Artie Lange on the 15th of september and was completely awestruck.The show was good also.

vic1964 commented about That buttery aroma might be toxic, too on Sep 7, 2007 at 6:27 pm

Yes,it all in how its made and what you put on it.

vic1964 commented about Capitol Theatre to temporarily open for show on Sep 3, 2007 at 7:10 pm

I hope this helps the long term cause.

vic1964 commented about Capitol Theatre on Aug 31, 2007 at 10:39 pm

More films i remember seeing at the Capitol before the 1976 twinning.THE GREAT WALDO PEPPER,MOTHER JUGS AND SPEED,BRANNIGAN,starring John Wayne.RIN TIN TIN with Madeline Kahn.SONG OF THE SOUTH,THE APPLE DUMPLING GANG,THE ARRISTOCATS.I remember my brother telling me he just watched a movie twice in a row something he had never done,it was ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST!

vic1964 commented about Substandard soundtracks on Aug 19, 2007 at 9:41 pm

If the exhibitors were going to save money implementing digital projection,they would have all done it already!It is a big expense which must be paid by those pushing for it.The studios will have to help or should help.Some theatres can afford it and are but film prints will have to co exist to supply the theatres which can not.The filmmakers already benefit like Coppolas fat girl on the production end with their videos transferred to film.I love Hollywood but the next great thing takes a back seat to making money more than it used to.

vic1964 commented about Dual projectors versus platter on Aug 15, 2007 at 6:20 pm

If you have enough space you should keep both plus get a platter!check out my youtube videos,search for Hyland Cinema.

vic1964 commented about Substandard soundtracks on Aug 14, 2007 at 1:20 pm

Here in Ontario Canada the prints go to the dump except for said amount for later use.At the 12 plex i worked at for 5 years we used to get some show prints now and then.For example ATTACK OF THE CLONES we got 2 show prints and 2 regular prints and the difference was big.REVENGE OF THE SITH was all regular prints and the quality seemed good,better than normal.I have noticed on big print runs [summer movies]more digital drop outs,and of course analog a chain maintenance is lax so the sound may be less than amazing.

vic1964 commented about Substandard soundtracks on Aug 14, 2007 at 11:20 am

Well except for the exhibitors have been saving millions for years already because of automation systems,teaching the kids to run things at minimum wage.It is the studios who will be saving big time because they will not have the expense of making prints.I think the small theatre chains may have a big problem paying for this transition.Digital systems are obsolete very quickly compared to 35mm.Theatres may end up spending more on tech service than they ever imagined with digital cinema!It will be interesting.

vic1964 commented about Vogue Theatre on Aug 11, 2007 at 1:56 pm

Thank you Lost Memory,a great picture!Do you have any updates on the status of this theater.

vic1964 commented about Capitol Theatre on Aug 8, 2007 at 10:19 pm

I wrote this August 2 after our deputy mayor called London a laughing stock for holding back developers,he called the opposition a socialist cabal!
Subject: Laughing stock indeed!
Letter: Dear Mr Gosnell
You once said "just because it is old doesn’t mean we should save it"You were speaking to the activists who begged you for help in saving the Loews theatre in 1989 when you were mayor.Under your watch downtown lost all of it’s movie palace heritage which does indeed make London a laughing stock!Your stupid master plan of the Galleria mall destroyed the old downtown.You and members of council who handed your developer friend a demolition permit like candy to a child so he could destroy the Capitol theatre,[our last downtown movie palace], owe Londoners an explanation and an apology

vic1964 commented about Capitol Theatre on Aug 8, 2007 at 9:58 pm

Then i wrote this letter.Friday February 23 2007 would have been the 87th birthday of the Capitol theatre in downtown London if it had not been for ,well, no wisdom whatsoever from those in charge of running this city.A visit to the Cinema Treasures website shows how competent cities in North America save these gems and actually have knowledge of there own history.I trusted city hall to know better.If i could go back in time i would do anything to save that wonderful theatre.In 1976 when the Capitol was subdivided,it was done so it could be reversed one day!It was waiting to be restored and assist with downtown revitalization.It would have been the heart and soul of downtown.So like Hayley Mcphail i must say thanks for nothing Tom,Bud,Russ and Gord

vic1964 commented about Pink Floyd's THE WALL: 25 years ago this week on Aug 8, 2007 at 7:50 pm

It was the Park theatre in London Ontario.Our only 70mm venue but THE WALL only played in 35mm stereo surround.It still sounded so great that my friends and i must have gone to see it 20 times!Fame had played in 70mm so i knew how good a musical could sound in this place.I love the film and cant wait for HD DVD with true HD audio or a theatrical re release.

vic1964 commented about Capitol Theatre on Aug 6, 2007 at 9:57 pm

Hayley Mcphail wrote a letter to the paper which says it all. Shmuel Farhi has demolished the Capitol theatre and what is now left on the table is the future of its facade.The wrecking ball went into this little known gem of downtown London on a Sunday afternoon a few months ago.Fortunately , a few remnants of its timeless beauty were retrieved by Aeolian Hall owner Clark Bryan and Ward 4 council candidate Greg Thompson. Despite their efforts,the loss of the Capitol theatre is a massive blow to the lip service paid to core revitalization. It is incredible even for the developer crowd at city hall to allow unabated levelling of heritage treasures in our core for, of all things,parking lots. I can’t fathom how board of control can act surprised (after they allowed the demolition in the first place) that Farhi now wants to finish the job and tear down the facade. Equally galling is that they are willing to placate a man with the audacity to threaten all of the property he owns downtown with destruction if he doesn’t get his way.The facade of the Capitol theatre does not begin to compare to what was destroyed. Downtown London lost another piece of its heart with that demolition.With the possible elimination of the board of control, i look forward to a day when developers are not at the helm of our planning decisions. Thanks for nothing,Tom,Bud,Russ and Gord.

vic1964 commented about Made in Chicago on Aug 2, 2007 at 1:25 pm

I forgot about MY BODYGUARD.Great little film.Number 3