Comments from cheviothills

Showing 51 - 73 of 73 comments

cheviothills commented about Picwood Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 10:56 pm

Meryl: I remember when the Tiffany opened and closed. Several of each if I remember right. On going changes of owners. Seems to me it was both union and non-union and I think it was live too at one or 2 times. Strange theatre for me because it was the only theatre in Hollyweird I did not work. Women came into Local 150 around 1970 however it presented one problem to many who left. The confinement was stifling because most women are social much more than men. In the long haul of 20 years I only knew 8 who stayed. Chicago, New York and San Francisco had the most powerful locals.

cheviothills commented about Picwood Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 10:23 pm

FRIENDS: This old Local 150 guy has started a righteous album of theatres for all you members to enjoy! I will add theatres as I get requests if I have it in my collection of 200 theatres. You will see some classics like the GILMORE DRIVE-IN and BAY…ENJOY!!!!! Somewhere I have Volunteers on the Picwood marquee when it closed but I am having trouble finding it but I found PUSSYCAT right after Picwood. Really!!

cheviothills commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 10:16 pm

FRIENDS: I just started a really nice album of theatres at WEBSHOTS as Joe Vogel suggested. I got help to get it right. Hell! What does a retired Projectionist understand about PC’S?

cheviothills commented about Gilmore Drive-In on Aug 22, 2005 at 10:10 pm

See it now:

cheviothills commented about Palms Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 9:32 pm

One last try……

cheviothills commented about Palms Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 8:52 pm

I guess it does not work after all. Sorry…

cheviothills commented about Palms Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 8:50 pm


cheviothills commented about Palms Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 8:33 pm

Hey Folks: I just added a rare photo of the Palms on Webshots for all to see. I just don’t understand about placing a link here so you all can see it?

cheviothills commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 8:28 pm

Mr.Vogel: I posted a very rare picture of the Palms near Culver City. I don’t understand being over 60 how to put links on Webshots so people can see the picture if I put it under the Palms where it truly belongs.

cheviothills commented about Palms Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 6:01 pm

FILMBREAK: I joined Local 150 that summer of 1968. I grew up going to the Picwood, Palms, Culver and Meralta. I relieved Schleiger several times because he also worked the studio. Are you saying that Stone and Allen owned the Meralta at the same time they owned the Palms?

cheviothills commented about Picwood Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 9:39 am

MERYL: FROM 1965-1967 I worked at Elmer’s Chevron at Pico and Overland. In 1968 I joined the Film Projectionist’s Local. The question I have is this> When growing up I used to go to Smith’s Sporting Goods and Rancho Records right across from the Picwood. Do you know when these 2 businesses shut down? In 1965 a very friendly and fat fellow worked at Rancho Records. He introduced me to what is Rural Blues Music as opposed to the Chicago Electric Blues Sound. He sold me my first rural blues album. His name…BOB HITE…he created CANNED HEAT shortly thereafter.

cheviothills commented about Picwood Theatre on Aug 19, 2005 at 9:11 am

WILLIAM: When I heard my old childhood haunt was going down I drove over from the Valley and took a photo with VOLUNTEERS on the marquee. Funny thing! I knew every store and shop from St. Tim’s church at Beverly Glen to Allied Models Hobby Shop at Veteran and never once went to Apple Pan. I grew up with a man named Dennis R. who worked there about 20 years. Did you know Dennis. He was thin and 6' 2" and blond haired. I worked at the hobby shop in high school.

cheviothills commented about Where To Find Shots Of Porno Theaters? on Aug 19, 2005 at 7:32 am

JOEL: I am new to this site and have not figured out how to contact members with personal photos they can download. In 1968 in Los Angeles I took the Projectionist’s test at the Dept. of Bldg. and Safety. I failed by 1 question. There were 25 questions and you could miss 7. I missed 8. The question was how many sprocket holes are in a 35mm frame of film? 2-4-6-8. I checked 4 and the answer was 8. Anyway, the Union said don’t despair. I had to wait 3 months and passed a second time at XMAS of 1968. I got to work anyway. Guess where? PUSSYCAT THEATRES!! Why? Back then all porno was 16mm which required no city license. I might add back then hard-core was still illegal and Pussycat showed what was called split-beaver. I have 1 shot in my theatre collection of the Pussycat in Hollywood. I have no idea as I said how to contact members personally.

cheviothills commented about Picwood Theatre on Aug 18, 2005 at 8:38 pm

MERIDITH: I have many photos I can send you of theatres in your list that this site does not have on line. I am 60, semi- disabled and spent 2 months collecting 150 of the 200 theatres I worked as a member of Local 150 for 24 years. I am a new member and don’t know how to reach you to send you downloads.

cheviothills commented about Picwood Theatre on Aug 18, 2005 at 8:30 pm

I grew up in Rancho Park. I would ride my Schwinn Hornet from Patricia and Pico to the Picwood during the KOREAN WAR. Every Sat. they had a kids matinee. Next door was Scot’s. They sold 25 cent burgers, 15 cent fries and 25 cent malts. The matinee was 50 cents. So you needed about 1.25 to be safe. I remember seeing Hopalong Cassidy there. Today I own all 66 movies. That Sat. my Grandmother took me. I never knew that 30 years later I would walk into those hallow gates and run their 35/70 Phillips Projectors as a member of Local 150. It was a great place to grow up in and a great time.

cheviothills commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Aug 17, 2005 at 6:25 pm

Why do the 2 Englishmen who own and run this site take so long to update the thousands of photos sent to them???

cheviothills commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Aug 16, 2005 at 10:37 am

manwithnoname: By any chance do you know Ed’s last name? I don’t know if you know this littlt tidbit but when I grew up tv played a lot of “B” westerns during the 50’s on ch. 5 and from 1945-1955 right across the street from the Pantages was a little theatre called the HITCHING POST. It played “B” westerns, serials, cartoons etc. exclusively however I never went there. I wish I knew who owned it!!

cheviothills commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Aug 15, 2005 at 5:31 pm

manwithnoname: Here I go again. After high school in west LA I was hired in 1964-1965 as the asst. mgr. at the Fox Venice on Lincoln. The mgr. was PHIL CATHERALL. When I became an operator in 68 I knew alot of the Fox mgrs. Back then Phil made 110 plus 2% on candy. I made 65.00 and the operator 200!!! That was huge pay then. I heard that Phil eventually became mgr. of the FOX PALOS VERDES. Did you know him since you worked there? Also, I saw your comments about the DOME 40th. I was one of their 2 operators in 1975. That is where I really learned alot about 70mm because the Dome was a grind house then…12-12. Where I was taught 70mm was at the Pantages during Godfather #1.

cheviothills commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Aug 15, 2005 at 5:09 pm


cheviothills commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Aug 14, 2005 at 4:44 pm

Manwithnoname: Today I have a bad back injury which keeps me home nd in front of the PC alot.Also, I am over 60. If you have any questions about my old field please contact me. 2 months ago I started a project and was successful within 75%. Thru 20 websites I collected 150 photos of theatres I worked and some I didn’t work but respected. All told I worked 200 theatres in 22 years. I liked relief work and seeing so many films. After I retired at 50 I got a B.A. in a field where all the good pay requires a Masters. B.A.s today are powerless compared to when I grew up.

cheviothills commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Aug 14, 2005 at 4:30 pm

Manwithnoname: It has been almost 30 years since I did weekend relief at the UA. I have no memory of the brand name of the equipment but I am certain it was not a 35/70mm booth. I was taught 70mm early on and once you see 35/70 projectors you don’t forget. Count on it! I do remember that it did have magnetic and optical sound heads so it could run 35mm film which was striped for stereo. When the magnetic tape wore down if it was a long run then the film could be run thru the optical heads. Optical film did not come with mag stripes but 35mm mag stripe film always had an optical track. The typical equipment in those neighborhood houses was Simplex projectors or occasionally a Century. Peerless lamps were with Simplex and Strong lamps were with Century. 70mm was practically always huge Phillips/Norelco and the reels were horribly heavy. I believe the manager was a woman and I seem to remember a great little restaurant next door. It was a nice area.

cheviothills commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Aug 14, 2005 at 10:33 am

manwithnoname: I read months later that one of the killers was in custody on another charge at the time the second killer was caught. I assume the second killer gave up the first killer. Back then the press was under strict governmental mandates about what could and could not be said. Also, the public never found out the verdict, sentence or anything unlike today when Court TV shows and tells everything. However, Nancy Grace and several other so-called experts never heard of innocent until proven guilty. Remember that next to the Depression and W.W.2 Sociologists consider the years 1968-1973 to be terribly tumultuous years. The minute I heard about the carnage I said: It is another MANSON. Manson was 1969 and Rolling Hills 1973.

cheviothills commented about Rolling Hills Theatre on Aug 13, 2005 at 11:06 pm

In 1968 I joined the Los Angeles Projectionists Union. I was working at the World in Hollywood the night of the day they found those kids brutally murdered. As I remember they were stabbed not shot. I was horrified as was every operator I talked to for 2 weeks. Eventually I was a part-time relief operator at the UA Torrance nearby several years later. I also remember a famous bird farm nearby which burned down. In 1980 automation was starting and the union sent me to be interviewed for projection/manager at the Pasadena Colorado. i went to the Miracle Mile and met the head man at their office. I was accepted and Garrett Vanderbend was my supervisor. This job of being a manager/projectionist was terribly stressful. There was a probation period of 90 days. They accepted me after 90 days but I refused them. By 1990 platters and automation killed the profession and I left after 22 years. Even the studio union was taken over by studio sound men.