Comments from MPol

Showing 651 - 675 of 1,295 comments

MPol commented about Uptown Theater on May 31, 2009 at 2:12 pm

What a beautiful theatre!

MPol commented about Mega-Plex Guzzo Taschereau 18's owner ordered to pay $10,000 in damages for a search on May 31, 2009 at 2:09 pm

It’s disgraceful that people can and do get away with illegal stuff such as downloading, comcording, and recording movies in a movie theatre, and certain controls have to be put on. However, I think that the business of searching patrons indiscriminately is unacceptable, because a lot of INNOCENT people get hurt as a consequence of such a practice, plus it will drive more and more people away from the theatres entirely.

Ron Carlson: I agree that people, no matter what age, who definitely ARE troublemakers, should be issued a warning, or given the boot if they don’t comply.

From what I read/heard, Israel has long had a system in place that causes cellphones, etc. to jam up on their users in public places such as movie theatres, restaurants, etc. when they attempt to use them. Too bad we don’t have a system like that in place here.

MPol commented about DVD downturn panics film industry on May 31, 2009 at 3:26 am

I think there’s some truth to the notion that the glory days of DVD’s and owning movies outright has worn out some. Imho, it’s so much more fun to go out and see movies as they’re really MEANT to be viewed; on the great big, wide screen, in a REAL movie theatre, with the lights down low.

Btw—I don’t have a DVD player anyway, so it’s just as well, imho. I still go out and see films on the great big, wide movie screen, especially older classics.

MPol commented about Radio City Music Hall on May 29, 2009 at 4:41 pm

Thanks for posting the link, Warren. Sounds like an exciting event, but you’re right about another thing: Good live orchestral performances and singers don’t come cheap.

MPol commented about Radio City Music Hall on May 29, 2009 at 5:10 am


If this:

“Warren – yes, it’s a special digital print (IIRC) that has no music track, just dialog and effects.”

be the case, it sounds like it’ll be one fantastic evening. If it’s a real big hit, what would the chances be of something like that being done with OTHER films—notably classic films? Just curious.

MPol commented about A look back at the year 1979: the year of science fiction on May 28, 2009 at 3:38 am

“Breaking Away” ! Oh yeah!! I remember that film well. It was cool.

MPol commented about Parts of iconic Mission Drive-In come down on May 27, 2009 at 10:28 pm

Sorry to hear about the demise of this drive-in theatre.

MPol commented about Paramount Theatre on May 27, 2009 at 2:58 pm

Too bad that such a beautiful-looking theatre was allowed to deteriorate like that! It’s disheartening to read/hear about stuff like that happening.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 27, 2009 at 2:52 pm

Never saw “Marty”, but “Rocky” was cool! I’d see it again if it came to my area.

You’re right about “Network”, AlAlvarez. TV, for the most part, HAS gotten much worse, so subsequently, I seldom watch it.

Never saw “Forest Gump”, but enjoyed “Taxi Driver”, even though I saw it more recently, when it was wayyyy out of date.

I don’t live in Suffern, NY, nor do I reside in the NY area generally, but the Lafayette sounds like a gorgeous theatre. Peter: : I also agree wholeheartedly with you about the average (10-20 or more cinemas) multiplex cinemas that’re located in the many malls that dot so many, if not most of the United States' highways and byways, and I don’t go to them anymore.

MPol commented about Music Hall on May 27, 2009 at 2:21 am

I’ll be attending a show at the Music Hall in a couple of weeks, for the first time! I’m excited!

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 27, 2009 at 2:09 am

“ Taxi Driver

I enjoyed all three of the above-mentioned films too, Bill Huelig. However, I liked “Rocky” the best of the three of them.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 26, 2009 at 4:06 pm

It’s agreed, Ross and Peter.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 26, 2009 at 1:34 am

Whew!! Thanks, Jeff S.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 5:20 pm

Deckard: I KNOW what flaming is—I’ve been the target of it on other blogs, and I’m not trying to flame any poster(s) here, but to simply point some things out about stuff that’s been posted here.

Aldo Ray: Please don’t resort to gratuitous personal insults, as it gets you nowhere, and puts a pall over everything. Thanks.

MPol commented about Country Cinema on May 25, 2009 at 4:29 pm

Too bad that the theatre is so dirty, run-down and so poorly-staffed and poorly operated, as it looks like an unusual movie theatre! Here’s hoping they renovate it, add more staff, and monitor their projectionist(s) better.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 4:24 pm

Aldo: sometimes one CAN tell if they’re the type not to confront directly. I’m NOT talking about race, ethnicity or color here, Aldo. I’m talking about a person’s tone of voice—their way of getting the message across, and the overall way in which people carry themselves. It also depends on the kind of theatre, too. In movie theatres where better-quality movies are shown, audience rudeness is often far less of a problem. Under such circumstances, if and when you do see an occasional yakker, texter, or cell-phone gabber, pollitely and casually asking him/her to please turn off their cellphone/pager, or to please be quiet, is sufficient enough to get them to stop.

On the other hand, the average large multiplex cinema (with 10-20 or more cinemas), depending on the location and the type of audience, is far more likely to attract a rougher, cruder and less polite audience, so there’s more risk in confronting an offender directly.

MPol commented about Loew's Metropolitan Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 3:56 pm

I don’t reside in Brooklyn, or in the NY-NJ area generally, fairtail, nor am I religions in any way, but thanks for the suggestion.

MPol commented about Lakewood Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 3:09 am

Wow!! Love that Marquee, and the interior!!

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 2:53 am

Aldo: While you;re entitled to express your own opinions here on this website, others are also entitled to express theirs. It’s either a two-way street or a no-way street.

Secondly, “Network” is not a favorite of mine, although Faye Dunaway acted quite well in that movie.

Thirdly, there’ve been instances when it’s not so great to confront people directly about yakking in the theatre, because you never know what they’re going to do, or where they’re coming from. It also depends on the circumstances. If the father and son seemed like rough, crude street-tough types, then it was probably not so good to confront them directly. People have spoken out in some instances like that and have ended up in some rather nasty situations. The world is so crazy today that one never knows who or what they may be dealing with.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 2:16 am

Thanks for the info, Jeff S. It’s agreed that a certain amount of quality, decor, and civility is to be expected when people attend movies, and, yes, it;s true that the average big multiplex cinamas generally attract audiences with a lousier attitude, because the management at those theatres generally have lousy overall attitudes themselves, in addition to mostly bad quality films being shown.

Although I enjoyed the film “ Network”, it’s not a film I’d go to see again.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 24, 2009 at 10:15 pm

I enjoyed “Rocky” . It was a good, well-done film, Sylvester Stallone performed well as Rocky, and the movie was lots of fun.

MPol commented about United Artists Theatre on May 24, 2009 at 5:32 pm

Love those photos! Thanks for posting them, Lost Memory.

btw—did the great, golden oldie-but-goody movie/musical classic “West Side Story” ever play at this theatre at any time? Just curious.

MPol commented about Lacey Street Theatre on May 24, 2009 at 5:24 pm

What a place to have a movie theatre or whatever—right next door to a college campus. Too bad that the Lacey Street Theatre is no longer at least USED as a theatre on occasion.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 24, 2009 at 5:22 pm

You’ve got a point, rhett. Not all of today’s high school kids are bad, and, as I pointed out before, you had every reason to be miffed about what happened with the “Rocky” screening. Glad everything’s going to get straightened out.

Aldo Ray—as I pointed out before, that was a horrible experience, which, hopefully, won’t be repeated, and, secondly, bear in mind that people have different tastes in movies. One doesn’t have to know much about cinema to realize that.

MPol commented about Islip Cinemas on May 24, 2009 at 5:14 pm
