Comments from Bud K

Showing 26 - 29 of 29 comments

Bud K
Bud K commented about Sacramento's Tower Theatre at Risk? on May 4, 2004 at 6:08 pm

I love Old Theaters Really I do, but why worry about this Theater or better yet why worry about any remaining Theaters in Sacramento, We only have a Few Gem’s (“Crest” and “Guild”) and there just your average nice Theaters, What we had is gone and what is left now is crumbs, the rejects nobody wanted. Sacramento only had one really nice Theater the “Alhambra”, next was the “Fox” (the entrance was grander than the theater) and then the “Esquire”. The Tower needs to be Saved, its would be nice……..
But I really do not think so!

The Tower is now a pure 100% dump, Last time I saw a Picture there (The Mighty Wind)
The Unprofessional Display of the Movie, Trash, Dirt, Grime, Water Stains disgusted me, You can feel the springs not the seats, Filthy bathrooms and a crew that just did not care! I am not a Big Fan of Century Theaters but at least there clean.

I have to support our City on what they want to do on the K Street Mall, The CineArts Proposal is Great, Downtown is finally coming to life with many fine Restaurants and
Attractions, I am not worried about the Crest, Its large theater and the two smaller ones
will keep it in business, Remember the City pumped a bunch of money in that building a few years ago. What I hate about Downtown is the Parking
The lots should be free from 6pm to 6am and all weekends to encourage people coming Downtown.

The Operators are to be blamed entirely for the demise of the Tower, They ran it in the ground, They are a Big Operator too, Ok Compete with the CineArts, Refurbish the Tower, Market it and then we will see who wins don’t cry on the shoulders of the People
who care about this Theater and say You are the Victim here, We should be Protesting not at City Hall But the Offices of Reading Entertainment, If not Turn it into a Office Building or a Supermarket, The Neighborhood needs it!!!

BTW where are the Sacramento Owners Of the Tower and There Opinions ??

Bud K
Bud K commented about Esquire IMAX Theatre on Jan 17, 2004 at 10:47 pm

THe Sacramento Esquire IMAX theater has been open for a few years now and the only thing that remains from the old theater is the magnificent sign out front, it is very successful, However I remember seeing all the Cinerama Movies there and my Dad always enjoyed taking us kids to the Esquire he liked the seats and the popcorn, oh the memories in the upper Balcony !!

Bud K
Bud K commented about Alhambra Theatre on Jan 17, 2004 at 10:34 pm


One of the best pictures of the Alhambra are in the Halls of the Kaiser Hospital on Morse Ave in Sacramento, The Lobby, Main Auditorium and Gardens. It was a Big Theater, The last movie I saw there was “What’s up Doc” with Barbra Streisand and Ryan O'Neill. I still have a bush in my front yard that came from one of the side planting when they tore it down in 1973. PS I still curse at that Safeways Store :)

Bud K
Bud K commented about Sacramento Inn Cinema I, II, III on Jan 17, 2004 at 10:28 pm

The Sacramento Inn Cinema’s are now a memory, a few months ago the theaters were bulldozed and nothing remains but the sign, It was
one of my favorite theaters enjoyed many movies there !