Comments from PeterKoch

Showing 451 - 475 of 1,492 comments

PeterKoch commented about RKO Bushwick Theatre on Dec 19, 2008 at 9:27 pm

The last thing I want to do here is be another Warren, in terms of non-management personnel policing this site, and I have certainly done my share of off-topic posting on this site, but may I suggest that the above discussion of Boston theatres be moved to the pages (if any) on this site devoted to them. If there aren’t any, perhaps you gentlemen, with MPol taking the lead, could start some.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Bushwick Theatre on Dec 17, 2008 at 10:15 pm

Yes, Panzer, I remember that Sunrise Highway Drive-In very well.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Bushwick Theatre on Dec 15, 2008 at 7:43 pm

I think Bway has gotten out of his car quite frequently in the daytime in Bushwick, but I’ll let him post for himself on that.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Bushwick Theatre on Dec 15, 2008 at 7:32 pm

Yes, indeed. I know what you mean, but the expression “drive by shooting” has unpleasant connotations in Bushwick, though I appreciate your humor !

Such an act of photography by Bway would be the BEST kind of “drive by shooting” !

PeterKoch commented about RKO Bushwick Theatre on Dec 15, 2008 at 7:23 pm

I’m glad to see that it does ! Hopefully, it hasn’t yet been defaced with graffiti at street level.

PeterKoch commented about Century's Prospect Theatre on Dec 15, 2008 at 7:22 pm

Thanks, bobosan. Horrible how that Wendy’s nearby was shot up in the year 2000. I ate there quite frequently in 1999.

PeterKoch commented about Kew Gardens Cinemas on Dec 15, 2008 at 7:18 pm

Both good comments, John D. Thanks !

PeterKoch commented about RKO Bushwick Theatre on Dec 15, 2008 at 7:17 pm

Thanks, Warren, for that info.

Bway, that’s a beautiful new image from ! It almost makes the former RKO Bushwick Theatre look like a Greek temple !

PeterKoch commented about Loew's Pitkin Theatre on Dec 12, 2008 at 9:26 pm

As indeed you should, ziggy. But that’s between you and Mr. R.

PeterKoch commented about Loew's Pitkin Theatre on Dec 12, 2008 at 9:20 pm

Surreal ! It looks like a movie set ! Thanks, ziggy.

It also resembles what’s left of the balcony of the RKO Madison in Ridgewood, Queens, above the ceiling of the Liberty Department Store, which currently occupies the street level, orchestra area of what used to be the RKO Madison Theatre (# 4621 on this CT site).

PeterKoch commented about Haven Theatre on Dec 11, 2008 at 8:34 pm

Thanks, BabyBoomer. I already have an on-line group like that : Bushwick Buddies !

PeterKoch commented about Haven Theatre on Dec 11, 2008 at 2:30 pm

You’re most welcome, BabyBoomer. My pleasure. Feel free to ask me anything, any time. I don’t know offhand of any website devoted to Woodhaven, and the memories of the people who grew up there.

PeterKoch commented about Haven Theatre on Dec 10, 2008 at 9:00 pm

No, BabyBoomer, I did not, on both counts. I have never asked The Leader Observer for anything.

My father’s parents and sister lived in Woodhaven, but not me.

RobertR, looking forward to your pictures.

PeterKoch commented about Oasis Theatre on Dec 10, 2008 at 2:25 pm

You’re welcome, flamatt, and thank you. The pizza place was and is Corato’s. The Fresh Pond Diner at Fresh Pond and Metropolitan (southwest corner)is now gone, as is the Fresh Pond LIRR stop.

PeterKoch commented about Tivoli Theatre on Dec 5, 2008 at 3:05 pm

“A Tivoli by any other name would still screen as sweet !”

PeterKoch commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Dec 4, 2008 at 7:53 pm

Mike, I admire your zeal, wish to encourage you afresh, and wish you every good luck. I know from personal experience how discouraging it can be to fight through a sluggish, unhelpful, unresponsive and irresponsible bureaucracy. It’s like running uphill at a dead run through molasses with a hundred pound pack on your back, with an avalanche coming downhill at you, to put it mildly !

PeterKoch commented about Oasis Theatre on Dec 2, 2008 at 3:16 pm

Yes, stevei, the Madison was at 54-30 Myrtle Avenue, on the south side, at Woodbine Street. It is now a Liberty Dept. Store. The number of its page on this site is # 4621.

PeterKoch commented about Oasis Theatre on Dec 1, 2008 at 10:34 pm

Thanks, Bway. Good and interesting details !

PeterKoch commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Dec 1, 2008 at 5:27 pm

Thanks for the report, John D., albeit a not very reassuring one. At least now we on CT all have some idea of what’s going on with the Ridgewood Theatre now. Yes, facts are facts.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Keith's Richmond Hill Theatre on Dec 1, 2008 at 5:25 pm

Thanks for the update, John D.

PeterKoch commented about Oasis Theatre on Dec 1, 2008 at 5:23 pm

Thanks for pointing this out, Warren.

PeterKoch commented about Rugby Theatre on Nov 26, 2008 at 8:15 pm

Thanks, ken mc.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Keith's Richmond Hill Theatre on Nov 26, 2008 at 7:40 pm

I understand what you’re saying, Luis V, about “transportation hub”, but I’m also thinking in terms of the Q-55 and Q-56 bus lines. I wouldn’t call the J train an also-ran. I know the Air Train serves an important function, but, to me, it is ridiculously and obviously indirect. A more direct solution (first proposed in August 1974, but shot down because of environmental concerns about Forest Park) would have been to revive the LIRR Rockaway line from 63rd Drive in Rego Park to JFK Airport.

The LIRR Richmond Hill station closed on March 13, 1998, but is still there, and LIRR Montauk Branch trains still operate past it from Jamaica to Long Island City. I don’t know if the biker bar on the east side of Hillside Avenue between the LIRR station and Myrtle Avenue is still there, or the MASH outlet clothing store.

Downtown Richmond Hill has been, still is, and will always be, magical for me.

PeterKoch commented about RKO Keith's Richmond Hill Theatre on Nov 26, 2008 at 5:13 pm

Hopefully, but what’s going to revitalize that downtown Richmond Hill transportation hub area of Myrtle-Jamaica Aves.-Lefferts Blvd.-Hillside Avenue ? Americans and immigrants of Mexican and Indian descent ?

PeterKoch commented about RKO Keith's Richmond Hill Theatre on Nov 25, 2008 at 7:25 pm

It’s all so sad, guys.