Lots of changes with this one. The Skyway Drive-In first opened its doors on May 28th, 1948.
On March 31st, 1950, it reopened as “Drive-In,” with the winning submission being named the Sky-High Drive-In on April 26th. After the CinemaScope screen was built, it reopened on April 8th for the 1955 season as the New Moon Drive-in. More to come.
The Upper Valley cinemas became part of the Chakeres chain on May 25th, 1988.
Chakeres takes over the Upper Valley Mall Cinemas 25 May 1988, Wed Springfield News-Sun (Springfield, Ohio) Newspapers.com
Last season: 1982.
The Show Boat Drive-In Opened on March 6th, 1970, and the last season was in 1986. Grand opening ad posted.
Last season: 1986.
Opened July 3rd, 1947 per:
Melody Cruise In opening 29 Jun 1947, Sun The Springfield Daily News (Springfield, Ohio) Newspapers.com
The second screen opened on May 16th, 1980, with yellow speaker posts. the Ramps were not realigned. Grand opening ad posted
Two screens on June 22nd, 1979. Another ad posted.
Three screens on October 14th, 1977, by subdividing the large theatre. Another ad posted.
Two screens on February 10th, 1973. Grand opening ad posted.
Opened on September 3rd, 1996
This reopened on April 14th, 2022. Grand opening ad posted. Looks like a complete rebuild.
Lots of changes with this one. The Skyway Drive-In first opened its doors on May 28th, 1948. On March 31st, 1950, it reopened as “Drive-In,” with the winning submission being named the Sky-High Drive-In on April 26th. After the CinemaScope screen was built, it reopened on April 8th for the 1955 season as the New Moon Drive-in. More to come.
Grand opening ads posted.
Opened on February 2nd, 1914. Grand opening ads posted.
Grand opening ads posted
The Stardust Drive-In opened on July 4th, 1948. Grand opening ad posted.
Grand opening ads posted.
Reopened on June 3rd, 1937
Reopening section cover:
Majestic theatre reopening 30 May 1937, Sun The Springfield Daily News (Springfield, Ohio) Newspapers.com
Newspaper listings stopped in 1930.
Reopening plan:
Majestic theatre reopening plan 14 Feb 1937, Sun The Springfield Daily News (Springfield, Ohio) Newspapers.com
Reopened as Band Box on September 28th, 1924-1937 and as Ohio on April 29th, 1938. Grand opening ads posted.
Opened August 16th, 1920.
Regent Theatre opening 15 Aug 1920, Sun The Springfield Daily News (Springfield, Ohio) Newspapers.com
ad posted.
This opened (or reopened) on May 30th, 1918. Grand opening ad posted. Could this be the old Columbia or Columbia theatre?
Grand opening ad posted.
This opened on May 27th, 1956. Grand opening ad posted.
Seating plan from February 1st, 1914
Majestic theatre plan 01 Feb 1914, Sun The Springfield Daily News (Springfield, Ohio) Newspapers.com
Grand opening ad posted.