Loew's Jersey Theatre

54 Journal Square,
Jersey City, NJ 07306

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MarkDHite on October 10, 2009 at 8:46 am

I agree with a lot that you’ve said regarding the more rigorous and formal designs of Lamb vs the stunning effects of the Rapps. In general I do find Lamb’s work more satisfying. But on the other hand, decorative detail aside, Rapp&Rapp could manipulate space and create vistas and unexpected little intersections in a way that is breathtaking and unforgettable.

MarkDHite on October 10, 2009 at 8:36 am

Thanks for the comments, guys!

gabedellafave on October 9, 2009 at 11:55 pm

Hmm. Perhaps that’s the difference between the Loew’s Jersey and Loew’s Midland (or the SF Fox). Perhaps Lamb vs. R&R is only visible from 5 feet from the walls.

Ziggy on October 6, 2009 at 11:04 pm

I think that the “Wonder Theatre” project was begun by the Publix theatre chain, for whom Rapp and Rapp had done a lot of work. Loew’s inherited the project as part of an agreement with Publix, and probably kept the same architects and plans.

I agree with you, jazzland, the Jersey is most absolutely not by Lamb. It does not have his touch at all. It is most absolutely by Rapp and Rapp. To go with MarkDHite’s reasoning, it may bear a resemblance to the San Francisco Fox, but it also bears a resemblance to the Times Square Paramount (by Rapp and Rapp), so I suppose THAT theatre must be by Lamb also.

Jazzland is perfectly correct when he says that Lamb had a sense of taste different from Rapp and Rapp, and that his details are more finely wrought. Lamb’s architecture looks like it was built line upon line. Rapp and Rapp’s tends to look like it was created with a frosting spreader. This is not meant to disparage their work at all, it’s just that the two had different styles. Rapp and Rapp went for the grand gesture, and Lamb went after the details. I guess it’s similar to the way some paintings are best viewed close up and some look better from a few feet away, but you wouldn’t say one is better than the other.

Luis Vazquez
Luis Vazquez on October 6, 2009 at 8:25 pm

I hear you saps! The only theater that I currently buy tickets to is the Ziegfled. All other theaters, I buy tickets to the movie. Quite a change for the old days.

Mike (saps)
Mike (saps) on October 6, 2009 at 12:27 am

I buy tickets to theaters, not movies. Bring on the razzmatazz. The bigger the better. And don’t forget the free dishes.
-Old Timey Moviegoer.

jazzland on October 6, 2009 at 12:24 am

I’m sure that architects were aware of the work of their competition in the design of movie palaces. Considering the Loew/Lamb connection it is not surprising that Rapp & Rapp might attempt to design in the style of Lamb for one of their Loew’s commissions. While the Loew’s Jersey is stylistically similar to Keith’s Memorial, Loew’s Midland, and the San Francisco Fox, it easily to tell that it is not a Lamb design. Thomas Lamb, even at his most outrageous, shows a discipline, subtlety, and a level of taste seldom evident in the work of Rapp & Rapp. His ornament is always finely detailed and relatively historically correct. His sense of proportion is flawless and the arrangement of space is always logical. Rapp & Rapp on the other hand, tended to go to extreme lenghts for visual and spatial effects that often appeared overwrought.

MarkDHite on October 5, 2009 at 9:30 pm

I didn’t say I thought there was anything wrong with it, I’m surprised that AMC (of course, not Sony now) thinks it’s okay since Loews is a registered trade owned by them.

markp on October 5, 2009 at 2:24 pm

Its the same thing for the theatre in Brooklyn N.Y. Everyone still refers to it as Loew’s Kings, and will continue to if it ever comes back to life.

IanJudge on October 5, 2009 at 6:41 am

The name “Loews” is now owned by AMC Theatres, not Sony, which has not had an interest in movie theaters in almost a decade. This theater uses the original pre-1968 name (with apostrophe) “Loew’s”. It was always called “Loew’s Jersey” so why not keep the name? The name “Loew’s” is evocative of the classic era of movie palaces this theater so lovingly maintains.

MarkDHite on October 5, 2009 at 6:35 am

One more comment: The Jersey’s French curve marquee looks like Lamb all the way. Thanks!

MarkDHite on October 5, 2009 at 6:28 am

Another puzzling thing to me is the architectural styles of this and a few other late Loew’s movie palaces. This theatre while attributed to Rapp and Rapp has none of their hallmark grand sweeping features and large ornamental details. It looks very much like the work of Thomas Lamb’s firm. The lobby is remarkably similar to Lamb’s beautiful Keith Memorial Theatre in Boston, and comparisons to Lamb’s San Francisco Fox auditorium have been made before. Did the leading theatre designers sometimes share designers or even designs in the mad productive period of movie palace building in the late 20’s? Do any of you architecture scholars out there have a theory?

MarkDHite on October 5, 2009 at 6:10 am

I’m puzzled by the fact that they still call this theatre the Loew’s Jersey, since “Loews”, as it is now known, has nothing to do with the theatre now. The Loews name is now owned by Sony after multiple mergers. I’m surprised that they don’t have problem with this non-Loews theatre still using the name. Just curious.

mdvoskin on September 13, 2009 at 10:41 pm

On the weekend of October 2nd and 3rd, The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre located on Journal Square in Jersey City, New Jersey will open it’s 9th season of classic films. Since it is also the theatre’s 80th Birthday Jubilee, we will be presenting a selection of films either set in, or filmed in, the 1920’s when the Loews Jersey was young!

The theatre is located directly across from the PATH subway station connecting Manhattan with Jersey City, it is also easy to reach from most area highways. Discounted parking is located directly behind the theatre.

All Show Are Presented In 35mm On Our Huge 50 Foot Wide Screen

Friday October 2nd at 8:00pm â€" “The Untouchables” (1987) Follow the exploits of Elliot Ness and his G-Men as they take down Al Capone back in the violent days of the roaring 20’s.

Saturday October 3rd at 4:00pm â€" “The Coconuts” (1929) One of the Marx Brothers earliest and funniest films, watch as they wreak havoc on a Florida hotel and it’s unfortunate guests.

Saturday October 3rd at 8:00pm â€" “Safety Last” (1923) One of silent comedian Harold Lloyd’s wildest and best films, it features the famous scene of him high above a street hanging off a clock. There will be live organ accompaniment on the Landmark Loews Jersey’s Mighty Morton Theatre Pipe Organ.

Visit The Landmark Loews Jersey web site for details.

[size=1]The Landmark Loews Jersey Theatre[/size]

mdvoskin on September 8, 2009 at 8:29 pm

The Landmark Loews Jersey will begin it’s fall season of classic films on the weekend of October 2nd & 3rd. All the titles have not been confirmed yet, but the show will include Harold Lloyd’s 1923 silent comic masterpiece, Safety Last with live organ accompaniment on the Loews Jersey’s Morton Wonder Theatre Pipe Organ.

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky on September 7, 2009 at 9:51 pm

Hi Debbie,

I’m curious…..what theaters in our area have you visited or do you plan to visit? (theater name and location, please)
I’d really like to find some of the old movie palaces, especially in Northern NJ, that I’ve never visited.
Personally some of my favorites are The Lafayette, in Suffern, NY, the Cedar Lane, in Teneck, and (of course) the Loews Jersey.
It would be great to pool our knowledge of some of the great theatres that are still around and operational.(I checked the list of theatres in the general North NJ/New York area on “Cinema Trasures” but, sadly many of those that I was familiar with are either closed and/or demolished. I wonder if I am missing some?)

NannyDeb on September 7, 2009 at 8:13 pm

Wow, that picture is great. I just recently joined this website and am amazed at the memories that it is bringing back!!!!! so much so that I went last night to one of the old theatres in Rutherford, NJ that I went to as a kid and posted my experience on that movies page. Now I want to visit all of the theatres that are still there. That is my plan and I aim to do it and post as I go to each one. Since I still live in the Northern NJ area I can get to most of them pretty easily. I will keep you all posted.

Bill Huelbig
Bill Huelbig on August 27, 2009 at 12:46 am

That’s my friend Jeff S! His comments can be found all over CT, mostly on the Lafayette Theater page.

gabedellafave on August 27, 2009 at 12:23 am

How about the restoration of the dome over the center ticket booth? It doesn’t need to be bronze. It could be a composite material, and it could be copied from the King’s which I believe still has the same dome. I with you on the marquee, the blade, and the upper balcony lobby restorations.

Any way, here are some amazing backstage interior shots I found on the web. Many thanks to jeffs4653, whoever you are:

View link

Robert Kratky
Robert Kratky on August 21, 2009 at 3:44 pm

As much as I would love to see the cross-over lobby brought back to original working order, what I’m really hoping for is work to begin on the ventilation/AC system at the Loews (a costly project, I’m sure)…… when that is accomplished, then the possibilty of summer classic film programs might become a reality. I know the summer is when the FOL does most of their renovations, but to have a couple of weekends of “summer” film classics wouild be something to be hoped for.

Mike (saps)
Mike (saps) on August 19, 2009 at 8:47 pm

I always like seeing a classic movie here, even though I haven’t been in a while.

Luis Vazquez
Luis Vazquez on August 19, 2009 at 7:05 pm

Great point Ziggy! I do see the day when, once the interior is completed, the focus can shift to the outside. My preference would be marquee first then the blade. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE theater blades, but the main theater focal point is the marquee and the Jersey had a beauty. The blade would be the feather in the cap so to speak.

Ziggy on August 19, 2009 at 3:45 pm

Hello LuisV,

You’re right about the marquee needing to be restored. I guess I was focused on the vertical because, well, because it’s GONE! The restoration of the marquee might not be so farfetched. Quite a few replicas of old marquees have gone up, most notably on the Paramount in Times Square, which isn’t even a theatre any more. Chances are the frame for the original marquee is still there, buried behind the fluorescent panels currently in place.

Luis Vazquez
Luis Vazquez on August 17, 2009 at 11:54 pm

Ziggy, I agree about the blade, but why stop there? The entire marquee should be restored. I know that’s a big wish and that a lot of money would be required, but…..it would be beautiiful and someday…….

MPol on August 17, 2009 at 11:45 pm

What a great picture of a great-looking theatre! Thanks.