Imperial Theatre
745 Broad Street,
745 Broad Street,
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Me to buddy, look forward to seeing them.Will be good to see shots of all the old places instead of pictures of the theatres as what they are now, if they have not been torn down altogether.
Iam at the mercy of a 17 year old daughter that knows how to do such things. When they get on I think you will like them. I just wished you would have snapped a few shots of your theatre days.
Come on Mike get it together!!!!
I am waiting for a battery still for the camera to send the pics. I really have quite a few of the IMPERIAL from the 60’s to the 70’s. I found some negatives of the Imperial At National Hills in the booth.It was pictures of the promotion for FIREBALL 500. I will get these on as soon as possible.
Funny stuff, Mike was about 5 then.
Nice old picture of the Imperial. Which one is Mike Rodgers? Ha Ha.Thanks Lost Memory.
Cool will check them out when posted, I could not find any info on ABC Plitt in C.T. Maybe I am not looking at the right place.
Battery is shot on camera, will get pictures on of all three ABC PLITT theatres Augusta.When we get a new Battery.
My daughter ,Jennifer is suppose to put a few pictures from Columbia Square and National Hills on this weekend.
My Ex said the same thing “ They aren’t worth anything!” Luckly i have a full size Basement. Man, you should have never given thsoe one sheets away. You ain’t no D-head. The jerk at Columbia Square was for throwing i know was hundreds away, Heck, It hurts even Having to type this.
Mike I have many 1-sheets some were sent rolled up in tubes and some were folded and mailed in envelops.I could of had more but did not think about it at the time.We used to throw them away or give them to our friends,what a d-head I was. My wife will ask me what do I want them for? I would not not sell them now even if I needed the money.
NOv.23 1963 a sad day, many theatres here no afternoon shows. The evening show on this sad weekend at THE IMPERIAl is THE HAUNTED PALACE.Vincent Price and Lon Chaney of course.
When i started at National Hills i wanted to get one sheets for my collection. My cousin,worked at the JOY DRIVE IN and CAROLINA theatre in Hendersonville,N.C. so i got tons of paper from those places.Both are on CT now, At National Hills no one wanted the posters and we never returned them .I kept I guess close to a thousand with 8 by 10’s, lobby cards. Heck, I even got reel to reel radio ads. No one wanted them. I gave them a good home. The only thing i hate was when i was fired from Columbia 1 and 2 i never went back to the poster room and got my one sheets from opening day.
I could have done it cause the girl that replaced me would have let me with no problem once the city manager was gone. I heard and i wrote about it on COLUMBIA 1 and 2 that that man that replaced my old boss THREW OUT EVERY ONE SHEET. what a d-head.
At one time Augusta had the widest downtown street of any city in America. When the powers to be refigured the downtown area,planting trees and such it hurt us at the IMPERIAL and i am sure it hurt the Miller. By that time however,Two largemalls opened within a week or two and downtown died. Maybe yoy guys don’t get the kind of snow East Tenn. gets that is where most our people are from above Knoxville.
Mike you may not know that Nashville has the worst drivers in America. If it just rains everything goes crazy and when it snows look out!!!!!And yes I still have some James Bond 1-sheets, and some lobby banners.The Loews Crescent always had exclusives on the Bond, Rocky,Woody Allen, Pink Panther flicks. we would have done much less business if we ran day and date as no one would come downtown and pay to park if the movies were showing anywhere else.I think Loews paid much higher prints fees for the arrangement.
July 28 1969 Now playing at THE IMPERIAl WALT DISNEY’S THE LOVE BUG. Box office opens at 12:45 with shows 1-3-5-7& 9. Rated G {i saw this movie there}
Somewhere on COLUMBIA SQUARE CINEMAS, Which i wish read COLUMBIA 1 and 2 theatres I tell a story of about a 2 inch snow that closed up this city,But we were on the Screen and while no one showed up for COLUMBIA ONE, in COLUMBIA TWO we had the animated LORD OF THE RINGS and doggone it 6 or 7 people showed up. WE did not have a 9:20 showing. SNOW SHOULD NOT STOP YOU TENNESSEE FOLKS !
YEAH, Often at REGENCY 1.2.3. on the last show we would cut the bulb off and run the print.I think we did that one or two times at COLUMBIA 1 and 2. Personally, that is the way i enjoy watching a movie. I remember watching Woody Allen’s SMALL TIME CROOKS all alone in a Regal theatre here.
Tlsloews, That is hard to believe that you guys were not playing day and date with some theatre in Nashville even in those days Nashville was a good size city. That is one thing i hated when we were playing a film and on the other side of town it was pkaying or worse yet at a Drive-in. I know TAXI DRIVER ran along run at the IMPERIAL but i was at National Hills during the run. Man, I love 007 i sure hope you got some one sheets. IN my whole career i never worked a Bond film.
I think we might played a couple of Connery’s earlier Bonds on a late show,But Georgia Theatres got all the UA product. CUCKOO’S NEST had a long run at MASTERS 4 then it got shipped to SOUTHGATE CINEMA. I don’t think Plitt ever played it.
Mike we also showed “Taxi Driver” at the Loews Crescent ran about 14 weeks. It did big business, maybe because at that time the Crescent got exclusive showing no one else in town had the movie.
so they had to come downtown to see the movie We also did that with the James Bond Movies,Pink Panthers and Rockys and many others.Longest run we every had was One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.26 weeks/half a year, it also went to the Loews Melrose and Madsion after it left the Crescent for 3 weeks.
Also Mike I was wondering did you ever have a day that you did not sell any tickets. One time we had a snow storm here in Nashville and the Loews Melrose and Madsion did not even sell 1 ticket. I would have to call Dallas every night from the Crescent to give them our receipts and concessions monies from our e houses here.They thought that I was joking about the $0 receipts. Also our counts from the Crescent that day we sold more concessions than box office they asked how that happened, well we were downtown and would pop our corn about rush hours and open the front doors to let the smell out.People would ask to come in and buy concessions. without
Mike we show an X rated version of Last Tango at the Loews Crescent, it I think sold 63 tickets that week and that was at 5 showings a day.We never did that again. Even the kung fu movies we showed every now and then did more business than it. Some times we would run the show to an empty house,pretty sad,we would run the movie without the carbon arcs on to save rods,we would call the booth to fire up the light if someone came in.Theres no business like no business!!!!!!
1977 after a long run of pretty decent movies except for afew cheap horror movie like THE HILLS HAVE EYES ,the IMPERIAL is returning to Black movies, THE HUMAN TORNADO and DOLEMITE are playing. Both rated R. WE have what we are told is an R rated LAST TANGO IN PARIS set for the late show.
1977 The IMPERIAL is getting something that should be at a Drive in. SUSPIRIA a horror Movie is opening. Next we have another horror movie called RABID. Flyers have been sent to hand out over town.Both of these gems are Rated R.
When this happened at the Imperial it was first run 1970. That must have been wild, all of a sudden PATTON!