Imperial Theatre
745 Broad Street,
745 Broad Street,
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This location has the capability to play content on a mobile screen through a corporate level projection system. It does not, to my knowledge, have support for true DCP projection.
Movies are only shown infrequently for film festivals or special events. For a time, they screened free movies fairly regularly, but these events now tend to happen instead at the Miller across the street now.
thanks ALEITHIA..intresting story..
Claude Knox Howell is my Grandfather. I recently started a search of his of his work. Wonderful site, instantly discovering so much about him. Googled his name in Richmond Va. wonderful article about homes he has built here (I just moved to Richmond) . Wish I could photos of him, I only have two. He is buried in Richmond. I would like to visit all of the theatres he was involved with. Seems like he did a lot of restoration fire work. He was from Ohio, came to Richmond to work on a fire restoration job at the Jefferson Hotel, this is where he met his future wife. He let a very interesting life. He and Andrew Loyd Wright were friends as young men, was told that they roomed together in ‘Chicago. Thank you for the information and this site.
Got to see the inside of this beautiful theater around 2006, so glad Augusta saved it, what a treasure.
in fact every theatre i worked at i did a tribute much like CT does for theatres around the world.i have notice quite a few others have done on their theatres, the public eats it up.
Since i cannot get many locals to come here i made an IMPERIAL THEATRE site on facebook ,amazing how they will like something local…
Hey gang, how come when I enter “imperial, GA” in the search window on this site, it comes up with—-nothing?! Site moderators, please note! Thanks.
Thanks for the comments on a Great Theatre I was able to help Manage back in good old days of movies and going to the movies was an event.not like a visit to the bus stop like it is today..
Glad this theatre was saved and is being used.
The Imperial is on the web at http://www.imperialtheatre.com/
on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/imperialaugusta
& on Twitter at @AugustaImperial
Still going strong and in the process of a capital fund raising campaign to update/restore the building and facilities.
Yes, it played there riausche,ANYONE interested,“REMEMBERING PLITT THEATRES” is now on Facebook for Plitt Theatre folks.ENJOY.
I am sure Big for the little lady played sometime in late summer or early fall of 1965. I am sure I saw this film for the first time at the Imperial. I saw the film again overseas some time in early summer 1966
Thanks for the update Mike.
Got to shoot Spotlight last night on a horrible play,but that is show business,Hadn’t been in there in a couple of years and while it is far different from my days there the memories flooded back.Glad Augusta Saved Her!!!!!!!!!!
I was thinking about watching “OBLONG BOX” tohight.but settled on “TRUE CRIMES” with Clint.I had parents that would take me to movies as a kid,but they were never like yours and alot the good movies played downtown some 17 miles away from home,now i am right in the city,sadly.I loved the ad in the Paper on “OBLONG BOX” much like the dvd cover.I guess if I had a printer I would run out of paper just printing ads from Augusta theatres.and just think At one time i had saved hundreds of ads clipped from the paper.Guess you did too.wasn’t Friday’s paper the best no matter if it was Nashville,Tampa or Augusta in the good old days of Theatres.Hi Nick and Tis.
Mike, Thanks for the great listing of films that played the Imperial. Somehow I missed seeing “The Oblong Box” when it played at the indoors & drive-ins in my area. I remember “Klute” being pretty controversial at the time. “The Exorcist” made tons of money wherever it played as did “Jaws.” “The Heretic” did pretty good b/o the first weekend but word quickly spread and I doubt it played much more than a couple weeks anywhere. Same goes for “The Swarm” which I found boring. “Up in Smoke” seemed to do good business everywhere but I can’t recall now anything about it. I doubt it even had a plot!
Hi Tlsloews…great you’re back on!
Nov 2 1960 “BEN-HUR”
June 1 1968 Projectionists Bill Barkley’s Favorite.“BONNIE and CLYDE”.
April 15 1969 “THE APRIL FOOLS”
June 13 1969 a pretty good horror flick, “THE OBLONG BOX” And on June 27 1969 the opening of “TRUE GRIT”.
June 8 1971 “ESCAPE FROM THE PALENT OF THE APES” The Miller had the first one the IMPERIAL played the Sequels except for “BATTLE”.
Jane Fonda in a rough R rated movie Sept 24 1971 “KLUTE”.
March 15 1974 “THE EXORCIST” opens breaking all house records until that shark shows up in 1975.
“UPTOWN SATURDAY NIGHT” plys Oct,4 1974 and my first Employees meeting with ABC THEATRES.
Speaking of Sharks, “JAWS” is going on week 9 August 15 1975.and on Sept 26 1975 I bet the print is getting a little worn,“JAWS” is on week 15.
Sept.26 1976 a funny Western,“GREAT SCOUT AND CATHOUSE TUESDAY plays.
Nov.24 1976 a good Heston film,“TWO MINUTE WARNING”
June 3 1977 Augusta was waiting,but not long,“THE HERETIC” is a DOg.
Sept 16 1977 “THE HILLS HAVE EYES”.
JUly 14 1978 the Imperial is let in on the Nationwide joke.“THE SWARM” opens.LOL
Nov 3 1978 one film that made money,“UP IN SMOKE” i never could get into it.
And June 30 1979 a movie I hoped we would get “ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ” plays.I did get to share a beer with James Brown as he watched it from The Balcony.All the paper work was done and the money in the bank.Just so you don’t think I wasn’t doing my job.I think this was the summer I was moved down there as Assistant,cause no one wanted to work there from National Hills which was Closer than Columbia Square to the Imperial.
I miss you and Nick.
Thanks for the info MIke.I cannot get on C.T. on my old cumputer,having to use my wifes new one.TLSLOEWS.
884 seems right today on seating since some have been removed,it was 881 or pretty close to it when i was the Assistant Mgr.
Yes,Dave,Davis came home and gave a lecture about his work I bought the book and a Print of The IMPERIAL.just wish he would have done it when we had a better Movie.
There’s a great local piece about this theater in our alt-weekly from last week, and this marquee, along with many others are in the former Augusta, GA author’s book, “Popcorn Palaces: The Art Deco Movie Theater Paintings of Davis Cone.”
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Thanks enjoy.
Thanks for your kindness Mike.
Wow you are fast.
I will go thru the boxes next time I am in Marquette (they are stored at my aunt’s house).
I usually get there about once a week – sometimes more.
Greg, sending all the stuff you wanted in the mail monday.