Dolby Screening Room Hollywood Vine
6321 Hollywood Boulevard,
Los Angeles,
6321 Hollywood Boulevard,
Los Angeles,
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Name is Dolby Screening Room Hollywood Vine per https://professional.dolby.com/contact-us/dolby-screening-room-vine/, 70 seats and roughly 6 handicap spaces.
May 2015 article here: https://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Dolby-hopes-to-lure-movie-fans-back-with-theater-6269580.php
As a Dolby Screening Room it now has 70 seats.
The last movie I saw there was on 9/11/01. After watching news coverage of the Twin Towers being destroyed all day, I needed to get out. I went to the Vine to see Spielberg and Kubrick’s A.I. I walked in to see New York destroyed in the movie, too. (Since I was early the previous showing was still going.)
1956 photo in below link. Which sounds like a great event as well.
May 16th, 1940 grand opening ad as Admiral in the photo section.
Here is what appears to be the official website.
Shorpy link with an August 1963 photo. Click “View full size” for added detail. Appears to say Rector or Rector’s above Admiral on the marquee.
This theatre is open, just not to the public. Dolby owns it, and it was first prototype for Dolby Cinema auditoriums that you now can see popping up in AMC Theatres. It’s since been maintained as a private screening room that they open up for rentals for private screenings, events, and filmmakers who use it to see how their films play in Dolby Cinema. I’ve been here a few times for some media screenings. (In fact, a press screening for the 25th anniversary of SCHINDLER’S LIST was held here this past Thursday, November 15.) It’s kind of smart of them to let it be incognito from the street traffic viewpoint since it’s now a private venue.
I ask again – whoever posted the venue’s status as “open” please back this up with evidence. I NEVER see this theatre open – and I am on the blvd a lot.
Any word lately?
October 11th, 1968 grand opening ad in photo section.
I think Dolby has put in a demo of their new Dolby Cinema Vision® Theatre inside the old Vine Theatre. How long the demo will last for theatre owners to check out is hard to find out. Maybe It will show movies again, B movies for the tourist crowd.
They had the entryway open for a work crew today. You could see straight through to the back wall of the building (i.e. they’ve gutted the interior down to studs/bare concrete) and there was the unmistakable sound of a jack-hammer running. Considering the scope of work underway, I would speculate they are re-purposing the space.
I walked by today and saw that it’s been boarded up with major construction going on inside. Anyone know what’s going on?
I saw the doors open a week or so ago. I walked up to the doorman and asked what was going on, and he told me renovating. So maybe the signs are down because it will be re-opening soon.
The Vine has taken down it’s marquee advertising (rental information), removed the assorted notes that were posted in the box office, and stopped hanging posters in the entryway cases. While I haven’t noticed anything in the media, this would seem to suggest the theatre has fallen dormant once again.
I’ve seen this theatre in movies from the sixties, when it was known as “Rectors Admiral”
here’s a link with a photo of the facade when it was The Admiral. Dig the See’s Candy store! http://la.remap.ucla.edu/remappingla/hollywould/visual/main.php?g2_itemId=28179
The theatre still has the same owner. And still thinks he can get top dollar on the place.
Does anyone have any idea on what their rental rates are like. I spoke to some old guy answering the phone years ago and it was a joke. Hopefully he’s not there anymore.
Looking nice in this photo! I watched second run double features here in the 90’s. The place was in bad shape then.
I was suffering from a viral infection, but dragged myself to the Vine around 6:30 on 6/25. Wow, the seats are the worst(easily tops the gravity defying seats at the Beverly Cinema in the 80s-90s). No wonder Lazerium closed-you can’t have a tourist attraction with worn bedspring like seats. Some dim bulb decided to put slip covers over every seat(they now slip down to the floor); the seats are not torn and the covers do not add any comfort!
I liked the goth lady outside with a bullhorn trying to entice pedestrians to come in. A single movie was only $5 and the whole day with in-and-out privileges $10. Sadly, only about 65-70 were in attendance. The highlight was a panel discussion including horror meister Willam Lustig, who came in from New York. He was presented with an award in the form of a real looking machete. He joked “How do I get this past airport security!”
Fascinating item: According to Google, 56 year old Jewish Lustig ia a nephew of 89-year old Italian boxer Jake LaMotta(I would imagine through a marriage). Both are Bronx natives.
This theatre shouldn’t be listed as closed. It still shows movies occasionally. It’s a dump but at least it’s still surviving and hasn’t become a retail store or nightclub yet.
I have never been in the Vine so I will be attending the Slaughter Cinema festival on 6/25. Not a fan of these types of movies but I did see the last Saw movie at the Majestic Crest.
Here’s a night view of the Vine from 1992
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